Complete your collection to redeem UFC prizes
As the “Official Fight Kit Partner” of Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), the world’s premier MMA organisation, Crypto.com has launched seven UFC NFT drops over the past 10 months that commemorate the respective fights of UFC 268 to 274. Crypto.com is excited to announce that fight fans will now be able to take their NFT collections to the next level with the launch of the UFC Collection Book.
Collectors can display and show off their UFC collectibles all in one place. View posters, shards, pre-fight belt plates and championship belts from various UFC drops and easily find collectibles to complete your collections. You can redeem exclusive UFC prizes when you complete your UFC Collection Book, including autographed posters, jerseys and more!
View your UFC Collection Book* and complete yours now!
*Users will have to be logged in to their Crypto.com NFT account to access the UFC Collection Book.
Collection Period: 16 May 2022, 09:00 EST – 23 May 2022, 09:00 EST
UFC Collection Book Redeemables
Collectors who fulfil the Requirements** below by 23 May 2022, 09:00 EST will be automatically eligible to redeem the following prizes.
Requirements** | Total distinct collectibles | Prizes |
Collect all “Digital Poster” and “Shard” NFTs from all UFC NFT collections | 43 | Autographed Poster (US$300 each) or UFC Venum Authentic Fight Night Men’s Walkout Jersey (US$80 each) |
Collect all “Pre-Fight Belt Plate” NFTs from all UFC NFT collections | 11 | Canvas in Acrylic (US$150 each) |
Collect all “Championship Belt” NFTs from all UFC NFT collections | 11 | UFC Legacy Replica Desktop Belt (US$225 each) |
How to Participate:
Helpful Links
By accepting the prize, winners agree to the Privacy Notice of Crypto.com, which is published at https://crypto.com/en/privacy/global.htm.
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