What Is Circle’s USD Coin (USDC)?

In this article, we explore Circle’s USDC, a leading stablecoin in the cryptocurrency market — diving into its unique features, tokenomics, foundation, and utility.

Jun 03, 2024

What Is Usdc

Key Takeaways:

  • Circle’s USDC, pegged to the US dollar, serves as a prominent stablecoin, making it a potentially reliable asset amid cryptocurrency market volatility.

  • USDC aims to empower users with swift and frictionless transactions, transcending geographical boundaries. This feature not only potentially facilitates cross-border remittances but also positions USDC as a vital player in international trade.

  • USDC plays a role in the decentralised finance (DeFi) landscape as a means for users to participate in yield farming, liquidity provisions, and lending protocols.

  • The USDC ecosystem, spearheaded by Circle, emphasises transparency, security, and regulatory compliance. This commitment aims to ensure that USDC maintains its credibility as a stablecoin.

  • Beyond its foundation on the Ethereum blockchain, USDC has expanded its presence to multiple chains, including Algorand, Solana, and Polygon.

Introduction to Circle’s USDC

USDC, often dubbed the USD Coin, stands tall amid the stablecoin spectrum. While predominantly anchored to the US dollar in a near 1:1 ratio, there have been moments where this peg has slightly wavered. Such fluctuations — though rare — highlight the challenges of seamlessly blending traditional finance (TradFi) with the unpredictable world of cryptocurrencies.

As an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain, USDC boasts liquidity, accessibility, and adaptability. But, like with all financial instruments, it’s not without its intricacies and nuances.

What Is a Stablecoin?

Before diving into USD Coin, let’s first understand the concept of stablecoins, which are a type of cryptocurrency designed to have a stable value. Unlike other cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, which are known for their price volatility, the value of a stablecoin is typically pegged to a fiat currency like the US dollar.

Stablecoins like USD Coin (USDC) aim to provide a measure of stability and reliability to traders in the crypto market. They may offer a way to mitigate the risks associated with the price fluctuations of other cryptocurrencies, making them a popular choice for those who want to trade or hold digital assets without being exposed to constant severe volatility.

Read more about different types of stablecoins in this article.

How Does USD Coin (USDC) Work?

Circle, the entity behind USDC, meticulously designed the stablecoin to mirror the value of the US dollar, enforcing this through a reserve system of US dollars equal to or exceeding the circulating USDC tokens.

This strategy underpins the assurance of value equivalence. USDC’s stability is built upon its reserve system, where every issued USDC token corresponds to a reserved US dollar. This strategic reserve approach effectively cements the connection between USDC and US dollar values.

USDC emphasises transparency and compliance. Regular attestation reports from auditing firms aim to validate the adequacy of reserves, enhancing credibility. These attestations are intended to provide users with confidence that the reserves correspond to the circulating tokens. USDC’s role extends beyond stability — it contributes to the crypto landscape’s evolution, and its value stability offers a gateway between TradFi and digital assets.

How Is USDC Backed?

USDC is backed by a reserve of US dollars held by Circle, the company behind the stablecoin. For every USDC token in circulation, Circle claims to hold an equivalent amount of US dollars in reserve bank accounts. This reserve is meant to ensure there is a direct and auditable link between the USDC tokens in circulation and the actual US dollars held in reserve.

Circle has committed to maintaining transparency and regulatory compliance in its operations, regularly publishing attestation reports conducted by auditing firms. These reports verify that the number of USDC tokens in circulation matches the amount of US dollars held in reserve bank accounts. This process is designed to instil confidence in users that each USDC token is indeed backed by a corresponding US dollar.

How to Use USDC

Stablecoins like USDC have many use cases in the crypto space:

Trading: USDC is commonly used as a trading pair on cryptocurrency exchanges. Traders use it to quickly move in and out of positions, taking advantage of its price stability. Additionally, investors often park their funds in USDC during times of high volatility in the crypto market, seeking to preserve their capital.

Stable Value Transfers: USDC aims to serve as a stable means to transfer value between individuals or across borders. Its stability potentially enables the recipient to receive a consistent value, making it a convenient option for remittances and cross-border transactions without the risk of rapid value fluctuations.

Decentralised Finance (DeFi) Activities: USDC is extensively used within the realm of decentralised finance (DeFi). Users can lend, borrow, earn interest, and provide liquidity using USDC in various DeFi protocols. Its stability is particularly beneficial in yield farming and lending, where maintaining a stable value can be crucial.

E-Commerce and Online Payments: Online platforms and businesses increasingly accept USDC as a form of payment. Users can utilise their USDC holdings to purchase goods and services without the need for conversion to fiat currencies. This can streamline international transactions and reduce fees.

Smart Contract Operations: USDC can be integrated into smart contracts on blockchain platforms. This allows developers to create programmable financial applications that involve USDC transactions, such as subscription models, automated payments, and conditional transfers.

In essence, USDC offers a versatile range of applications that leverages its stability, making it valuable for trading, transactions, DeFi participation, e-commerce, and smart contract-based activities.

USDC Tokenomics

Understanding the dynamics of USDC’s tokenomics deepens our appreciation for its utility:

  • Stablecoin Design: USDC aims to maintain a 1:1 peg with the US dollar, offering a stable value proposition that is pivotal for everyday transactions and financial activities. However, it has experienced temporary deviations from the peg during times of severe market stress.

  • Transparent Issuance: USDC tokens are minted and burnt in a transparent manner, bolstering the stablecoin’s integrity and authenticity.

  • Ecosystem Growth: USDC has expanded beyond the Ethereum blockchain, available on multiple chains like Algorand, Solana, and Stellar.

Why Does USDC Have Value?

USDC’s stability ensures it meets the three essential functions of money: a medium of exchange, store of value, and unit of account. This reliability has facilitated Circle’s growth as a global payment method for individuals and businesses.

When facing significant market volatility, cryptocurrency traders often turn to USDC as a stable holding while waiting for asset prices to stabilise. This ability to mitigate risk significantly contributes to USDC’s value within the cryptocurrency market.

Businesses prefer accepting USDC due to its safety and efficiency. Transactions with USDC are rapid and secure, often proving to be more practical for international payments than traditional methods like bank transfers or wire services. The swift and straightforward nature of USDC transfers makes it an attractive option for cross-border transactions.

Moreover, USDC is heavily utilised in the DeFi sector, as it is employed on various decentralised applications (dapps) to earn rewards through lending or staking on platforms like AAVE. These lending protocols enable users to achieve higher returns on their assets compared to traditional bank savings accounts. By engaging with DeFi, USDC holders can access rewarding financial opportunities that the conventional banking system doesn’t offer.

In summary, USDC’s stability, adherence to regulations, and widespread acceptance render it a valuable asset for both individuals and businesses alike, enhancing its utility and trust within the global financial ecosystem.

How to Buy USDC

For those interested in trading USDC, below are the steps to follow:

  • Choose a Crypto Platform: Select a reputable cryptocurrency platform like the Crypto.com Exchange or Crypto.com App — the industry leader in security standards.

  • Create an Account: Sign up for an account on the chosen exchange and complete the necessary verification process.

  • Deposit Funds: Deposit the desired amount of fiat currency or other cryptocurrencies into the account.

  • Buy USDC: Once the account is funded, navigate to the ‘Buy’ section of the exchange or app and search for USDC. Place a buy order for the desired amount.

  • Store USDC: After the purchase is complete, transfer USDC tokens to a secure wallet, like the Crypto.com App or Crypto.com DeFi Wallet.


Circle’s USDC is a prominent stablecoin, bridging the gap between TradFi and the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies. Its aim to have unwavering value, seamless transactions, and integration into the DeFi landscape could make it a cornerstone of modern finance. As the cryptocurrency ecosystem continues to evolve, USDC aims to be an exemplar of stability and utility, driving the financial transformation forward.

Due Diligence and Do Your Own Research

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Although the term ‘stablecoin’ is commonly used, there is no guarantee that the asset will maintain a stable value in relation to the value of the reference asset when traded on secondary markets or that the reserve of assets, if there is one, will be adequate to satisfy all redemptions.

In addition, the Crypto.com Exchange and the products described herein are distinct from the Crypto.com Main App, and the availability of products and services on the Crypto.com Exchange is subject to jurisdictional limits. Before accessing the Crypto.com Exchange, please refer to the following link and ensure that you are not in any geo-restricted jurisdictions.

Past performance is not a guarantee or predictor of future performance. A stablecoin can lose its peg and you could lose all or a substantial amount of your purchase price. When assessing a stablecoin, as with any digital asset, it’s essential for you to do your research and due diligence to make the best possible judgement, as any purchases shall be your sole responsibility.

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