GameFi Past Present and Future: An Overview with Comparisons to the Traditional Gaming Industry

The total market cap of GameFi has climbed to US $55.38B as of Feb 2022. Blockchain gaming is estimated to grow to $50B by 2025, a growth rate 10x of traditional gaming.

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The blockchain gaming ecosystem is evolving at a rapid pace. One of the trending topics in crypto right now is GameFi, with new developments seen at an accelerating rate thanks to promising gameplay and the economic incentives it entails. 

As its popularity soars, we take a deeper look at its historical growth to date, and analyse GameFi tokens and their combined market cap’s trajectory. 

In this report we will explore its present state in detail, looking at the current market cap, active player base, industry players, and emerging trends in the space. We will also make some comparisons to traditional gaming, as well as cover GameFi’s projected growth and what its future looks like.

Read the full report: GameFi: Past, Present, and Future

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