On-Chain Staking Is Now Available in Australia in the Crypto.com App
Let your crypto do the work. Earn rewards in the simplest way.
We are pleased to announce that on-chain Staking is now available in the Crypto.com App in Australia. With on-chain Staking, users can earn rewards while actively supporting the project they believe in.
What is on-chain Staking?
Staking allows users to participate in a particular Proof of Stake (PoS) network by locking up their tokens and helping to secure the network. Usually, stakers join staking pools run by validators, who help verify transactions and add them to the network. In return, they receive rewards in the form of newly minted tokens. Validators may then proportionally distribute the rewards to stakers after deducting their fees.
Benefits of on-chain Staking in the App
Staking in the App allows users to conveniently put idle assets to work and receive rewards as often as daily. You also enjoy the flexibility of unstaking your assets at any time in a secure and convenient manner.* Currently, the Solana (SOL), Polkadot (DOT), Cronos (CRO) and Polygon (MATIC) blockchains are available, with more protocols coming soon.
How to get started with on-chain Staking
It takes only a few steps to get started with Staking in the App. Visit the FAQ for the full step-by-step guide.
On-chain Staking is available to users via the Crypto.com App in most jurisdictions globally (visit the FAQ for more information).
For more information, check out the Help Centre.
Not a Crypto.com App customer? Download the Crypto.com App now to start staking.
*Crypto.com does not impose a lockup period, but some protocols may impose an unbonding period. You will stop earning any rewards during any unbonding period imposed by the protocol if you choose to unstake your assets.
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