ZETA Is Now Available for On-Chain Staking in the Crypto.com Exchange

Let your crypto do the work. Receive rewards in the simplest way.

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We’re proud to announce that ZetaChain (ZETA) is now available for On-chain Staking on the Crypto.com Exchange.

Why stake your assets on-chain?

Staking enables you to help secure the token’s underlying blockchain and conveniently put idle assets to work. In turn, you’ll receive token rewards of up to 5%, in line with the blockchain protocol. You also enjoy the flexibility of unstaking your staked assets at any time in a secure and convenient manner.*

Currently, the feature also supports the following blockchains and tokens**: 

Click here to start staking today!

Visit the Help Centre for a step-by-step guide on how to get started. 

*Your staked virtual assets will start earning rewards after the activation time and post processing with the validator.  You will stop receiving any rewards during any unbonding period imposed by the protocol if you choose to unstake your assets.

**Different jurisdictional limitations apply.

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