Introducing Degen Arcade for the DeFi Wallet

Trade, discover, and manage your memecoins with ease

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We’re thrilled to introduce Degen Arcade for the DeFi Wallet! It’s a new trading terminal aimed to help you trade memecoins with ease.

With the Degen Arcade, you can trade and discover trending memecoins in just a few quick taps. You can monitor your portfolio on the same page too. What’s more, you’ll earn DegenScore points while trading in the Degen Arcade, with soon-to-be revealed special prizes awarded to high scorers. 

How to Trade in the Degen Arcade

To get started, simply tap the ‘Arcade’ icon in the DeFi Wallet’s homepage.

Then, select your Player: NPC, Doomer, or Boomer. Based on your chosen Player, you’ll be shown a different memecoin list:


  • Top 20 tokens ranked by swap counts in 24 hours, excluding tokens in the Top 200 Market Cap list


  • Top 20 tokens ranked by swap counts in 24 hours, with a liquidity pool size higher than US$200,000


  • Top 20 tokens ranked by swap counts in 24 hours, with a market cap below US$2 million

To trade the memecoins shown in your personalised list, simply tap on your selected token and swipe right. A pop-up window will appear. Here, you can enter your desired purchase amount (in either ETH or USD) and your preferred slippage.

When your token swap is completed, you can also choose to sell your holdings by tapping the ‘Sell’ tab. Here, the memecoins in your portfolio will be shown, and you can sell your desired amount by selecting the token and swiping as well.


Every trade made in the Degen Arcade will add to your DegenScore. Essentially, this records your success and activity in the Degen Arcade. Mystery prizes will be awarded to the top scorers. Stay tuned for more details soon!

Check Out Degen Arcade

More on DeFi Wallet: DeFi Wallet is a non-custodial wallet that lets users conveniently access all things DeFi in one place. Users can easily and securely manage 4000+ tokens across 30+ blockchains, seamlessly swap tokens, earn token rewards, manage their NFTs, and co+nnect with the most popular dApps in seconds. Users’ assets are always protected by our multilayered security features, so they can transact with peace of mind at any time. DeFi Wallet is available on iOS and Android mobile devices, and on desktop as a Google Chrome browser extension or DeFi Desktop Wallet application. For more information on the DeFi Wallet, please visit the FAQs or our website.

* DeFi Wallet is a separate product from the App and Exchange.

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