App and Exchange to Support Cardano (ADA) Network Upgrade & Hard Fork

Temporary suspension of Cardano network transfers at 22 September 2022 and 27 September 2022, 18:00 UTC will be supporting the Cardano (ADA) network upgrade and hard fork which will take place in two phases. The Vasil network upgrade and hard fork will take place at epoch 365, or approximately at 22 Sep 2022, 21:45 UTC, while the Plutus V2 Cost Model network upgrade will take place at epoch 366, or approximately at 27 Sep 2022, 21:45 UTC.

To ensure the safety of users’ funds during and after the upgrade, we will temporarily suspend deposits and withdrawals on the Cardano network in both the App and Exchange on 22 September 2022 at 18:00 UTC and 27 September 2022 at 18:00 UTC, until the network upgrade is complete. Trading on the Cardano network will not be affected. We will closely monitor the situation and resume deposits and withdrawals once the network proves to be stable. 

Kindly refer to for all the latest updates.

We thank our users for their support and understanding.

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