DeFi & L1L2 (Week 31, 03/08/2022 – 09/08/2022)

U.S. Treasury Department sanctions Tornado Cash. Thousands of Solana hot wallets compromised after private keys were exploited in Slope mobile wallet. Uniswap proposes to form a Uniswap Foundation.

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Weekly DeFi Index

This week’s price, volume, and volatility indices were negative at -1.17%, -38.88%, and -52.65%, respectively.

Ch 1 1
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DeFi Index Tokens

Screen Shot 2022 08 10 At 7.54.59 Pm

News Highlight

DEX Protocols Metrics

Screen Shot 2022 08 10 At 8.30.23 Pm
Sources: CoinGecko, DeFi Llama, Nomics, Research

Lending Protocols Metrics

Screen Shot 2022 08 10 At 8.31.25 Pm
*LDR (Loan to Deposit Ratio) = Total Borrowed / TVL
Sources: CoinGecko, DeFi Llama, Research

Charts on Layer 2 Projects

  • Overall, the L2 market saw +12.16% growth over the past week. Optimisitic rollup and zero-knowledge rollup projects gained +19.34% and +1.01%, respectively, while Ethereum’s TVL rose +6.08%.
  • TVL of optimistic rollups continued to surge and was over US$4.7 billion. Again, Optimism led the growth (+40.58%) in TVL, followed by Metis Andromeda (+20.14%) during the week.
  • TVL of ZK rollups was stable in the last week with over US$859 million. ZKSwap was under the spotlight as its TVL of version 2.0 and version 1.0 surged +47.23% and +16.25%, respectively.

Further Reading


Research and Insights Team

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