NFT Adds the 2-Factor Authentication (2FA) Security Feature

Continue to mint, collect, and trade NFTs with a full peace of mind

As part of our commitment to enhance the security of your NFT account, we are pleased to introduce 2-Factor Authentication (2FA).

2FA provides an extra layer of security on top of your account password and email verification. This ensures that both your assets and personal information continue to remain safe and secure. Once this security feature is enabled, you will need to provide your 2FA code when performing certain actions on NFT.

To enable 2FA, simply follow the steps below: 

  1. Go to Settings > Set Up 2FA 
  2. Scan the QR code shown below ‘Authentication key’ with an authenticator app to add your NFT account. Alternatively, copy the alphanumeric code and paste it in your authenticator app.
  3. Click Proceed to Verify to receive a verification code in your inbox
  4. Input the code and click Proceed
  5. Enter the six-digit code shown in your authenticator app and click Submit

Please note that setting up 2FA for NFT will not enable this feature for your other accounts, including the App and Exchange. You will need to set up 2FA for them separately.

Visit the Help Centre for more information about setting up 2FA on NFT.

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