is pleased to announce that Bitcoin (BTC) will be listed on Supercharger.

This time, users have the chance to boost their returns by 10x! 88 lucky participants will win an exclusive “Supercharger 10x Booster” NFT that multiplies their BTC rewards, allowing them to earn up to 52% p.a. 

To enter, users simply need to sign up to NFT using the same email as their App or Exchange account, whichever one was used to participate in the LUNA Supercharger event. 

Sign up to the App or Exchange* to participate.

BTC on Supercharger App and Exchange users will receive BTC as rewards for staking CRO tokens in the Supercharger pool. 88 lucky participants will be able to boost their estimated rewards of ~5.2% by 10x for this event.

How do users know they’ve won? The exclusive “Supercharger 10x Booster” NFT will be airdropped to the winners’ NFT account at the end of the Charging Period. Ownership of the NFT gives users the power to multiply their BTC rewards by 10x (up to 52% p.a.); the earnings will be automatically credited to their App or Exchange account after the Reward Distribution Period.

The BTC Supercharger event will commence on Saturday, 19 February 2022 in the App and Exchange.

Users who participated in the LUNA Supercharger event, which ends on 19 February at 10:00 U‌TC, can keep their CRO stake in the Supercharger pool to be automatically carried over to the BTC event. 

BTC Supercharger Details:

Supercharger 10x Booster Bonus:

i) Charging Duration (First 30 days)
Users can stake and unstake from the Supercharger pool (with no gas fees) at any time during the Charging Period. The price of the reward token is determined at the end of this period.

ii) Reward Distribution Period (Next 30 days)
Users will receive their reward tokens during the Reward Distribution Period based on their share of the crypto provided during the Charging Period. Their eligible reward tokens will be distributed daily during this 30-day period after accepting the reward terms. Users will forfeit a portion of their reward if they do not accept the terms before the Reward Distribution Period begins.

Find out how to calculate your rewards here.

*Available on both the Exchange Web and App. Download the Exchange App from the App Store and Google Play


For details, please refer to our Help Centre.

BTC Supercharger With a 10x Rewards Booster Bonus

Stake CRO and earn BTC with a USD 2 million reward allocation

19 FEB - 21 MAR, 2022 UTC
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