Exchange to Decommission V2.1 Spot API on 31 July 2024

Traders using the legacy API must migrate to the Exchange v1 API

Legacy Api Decommissioning Content Hub

Following the GEN 3.0 Exchange launch, we introduced the Exchange V1 API to provide native REST, WS, and FIX connectivity. With this upgraded API version, users can seamlessly trade Spot, Margin, and Derivatives in a unified wallet. 

As most users have successfully migrated from the Spot v2.1 API to the Exchange v1 API, the legacy Spot v2.1 API will be decommissioned on 31 July 2024, 23:00 UTC.

Users who are still using the legacy Spot v2.1 API are advised to complete the migration to the Exchange v1 API before the aforementioned date to avoid any interruptions. The Spot v2.1 API will not be usable immediately after the decommissioning.

A detailed migration guide and documentation can be found below:

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