Liquid Staking on the Exchange
Earn rewards on ETH while unlocking your staked assets’ liquidity
Liquid Staking is now available in the Exchange*! You can now make the most out of your staked assets and continue to benefit from on-chain Staking rewards.
Available Tokens Exchange users in select jurisdictions will be able to reap the benefits of liquid staking for Ether (ETH) and Solana (SOL) by wrapping their staked ETH for the receipt token Staked ETH (CDCETH) and Staked SOL (CDCSOL*) respectively.
*CDCSOL is only available in select jurisdictions. Visit our FAQ for more information.
About Liquid Staking
Liquid staking is an innovative solution to the problem of illiquidity for staked assets, where users cannot access their crypto when it’s earning rewards or locked by the protocol during the unbonding period.
With liquid staking, they can wrap their staked assets for a receipt token. The receipt token can also be redeemed for the staked asset at a likely higher conversion rate that accounts for the accrued staking rewards.
Please visit the FAQ for more information.
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