Digital Currencies Survey 2020

We have collected 4,458 responses and removed 18 duplicated responses and 252 responses with suspected data quality issues. The final effective sample size for the study is 4,206.

Aug 10, 2021
Digital Currencies Survey 2020

We have collected 4,458 responses and removed 18 duplicated responses and 252 responses with suspected data quality issues. The final effective sample size for the study is 4,206.

Quick Take Away:

  • 80% of survey respondents think that the country in which they live will eventually become cashless, but 35% of them believe that it won’t happen within 5 years
  • Awareness for Financial Firm Coin (54%) and Tech Firm Coin (52%) are higher than expected. Awareness for CBDC is relatively low (32%) compared to others
  • Trust towards crypto is highest (4.17), while that for CBDC (3.08), Tech Firm Coin (3.04) and Financial Firm Coin (2.93) are similar
  • Top 3 adoption barriers for crypto are:
    • Use is not well understood (63%)
    • Too few options to use (42%)
    • Difficult to buy (30%)

Read the full PDF version of the Digital Currencies Survey 2020 here.

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Common Keywords: 

Ethereum / Dogecoin / Dapp / Tokens