5x/10x Margin Trading Competition and Lucky Draw Campaign Results

The 200 users with the highest Margin Trading volume using 5x/10x leverage won USD 20,000 of CRO and autographed Aston Martin Cognizant Formula One™racing gear.

(Updated 25 September 2021 00:00 UTC)

We’re excited to announce the results of the 5x/10x Margin Trading Competition and Lucky Draw. The 200 users with the highest Margin Trading volume using 5x/10x leverage won USD 20,000 of CRO and autographed Aston Martin Cognizant Formula One™racing gear.

Congratulations to all the winners! You will soon receive an email from us.

The % shown here indicates the % of a specific user’s Margin Trading volume using 5x or 10x leverage out of the total Margin Trading volume using 5x or 10x leverage on the Exchange.

*Margin Trading Volume = Margin Trading Buys + Margin Trading Sells

Part 1 – The top 200 traders will win a total of USD 20,000 in CRO and exclusive Aston Martin Cognizant Formula One™ racing gear

The 200 traders who attain the highest Margin Trading Volume* with 5x/10x leverage (at least USD 1,000 equivalent) will be the prize recipients.

Rank by Trading VolumeCRO Prize Per Winner (USD Equivalent)
1st$1,500 + An original helmet from the Aston Martin Cognizant Formula One™ Team
2nd$1,000  + A pair of original gloves from the Aston Martin Cognizant Formula One™ Team
6th – 10th$400
11th – 20th$200
21st – 100th$80
101th – 200th$50

Part 2 – Try out the new 5x/10x leverage feature and Margin trade at least USD 500 to enter the lucky draw to win one of 20 exclusive prizes from the Aston Martin Cognizant Formula One™ Team

For more information about the promotion, please visit our blog.

Note: This leaderboard ranking does not reflect the final results. The eligibility of participants will be verified by Crypto.com after the campaign ends. Please refer to the full eligibility criteria in the Official Rules for Sweepstakes for eligibility rules.

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