NFT Now Supports Solana-Based Collectibles

Trade Solana-based NFTs and reach a wider audience

Jun 13, 2022

As the NFT user base continues to expand, we are also continually expanding the selection of NFTs that users can collect and trade on the platform. Earlier this year, we started supporting cross-chain NFTs for the Ethereum, Polygon, and Cronos networks. Now, we are pleased to announce that we support Solana-based NFTs as well. 

With this update, NFT users can access and trade Solana-based NFTs while enjoying zero extra listing fees or gas fees for trades on NFT.

Only NFTs from whitelisted projects are currently supported, but we will be updating this list regularly. You can stay up to date with all whitelisted projects here.

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Common Keywords: 

Ethereum / Dogecoin / Dapp / Tokens