App SHIB Net Buy Competition Leaderboard

(updated 2 November 2021)

Nov 02, 2021

Here are the 10 leading users based on the SHIB Net Buy Volume in our current SHIB Net Buy Competition. Participate and keep up your net buy volume to win up to USD 1,500 of SHIB + 1 Shiboshi NFT. Total prize pool of USD 80,000 of SHIB & 5 Shiboshi NFTs to be won!

*The % shown here indicates the % of a specific user’s SHIB net buy volume out of the total SHIB net buy volume of all eligible campaign users as of the last update date and time.

Prizes of the SHIB Net Buy Competition

*Net Buys (SHIB) =  Deposits From External Wallets and Exchanges (SHIB) + Buys (SHIB) – Sells (SHIB) – Withdrawals (SHIB)

*Increase your chances of winning by buying and depositing more SHIB while selling less.


  • This leaderboard ranking does not reflect the final results. The eligibility of participants will be verified by after the campaign ends. Please refer to the full eligibility criteria here.

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