DeFi Wallet DApp Browser Now Supports Multi-Tab Browsing

DeFi Wallet DApp Browser Now Supports Multi-Tab Browsing

Apr 27, 2022
DeFi Wallet DApp Multi-tab broswer support

We’re excited to announce that the DeFi Wallet’s DApp Browser now supports multi-tab browsing! Not only can you connect to all your favourite DApps in one place, but you can now seamlessly switch between them too.

Explore and instantly access DApps by tapping on their icons in the Overview page. If you wish to open a DApp that is not listed, simply enter its URL in the search bar.

Bookmark your favourite DApps in the DeFi Wallet now!

For more information on the DeFi Wallet, please visit our FAQ.

* DeFi Wallet is a separate product from the App and Exchange.

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Ethereum / Dogecoin / Dapp / Tokens