Crypto Earn: Now Earn up to 6% p.a. on ENJ allocations, paid in ENJ

Earn up to 6% p.a. on your allocations, paid in ENJ

Jun 16, 2020

Calling Enjin Coin (ENJ) hodlers – we have added ENJ to Crypto Earn! Users can now earn up to 6% p.a. on their allocations, paid in ENJ. Private users will earn up to 8% p.a.

In addition, deposits and withdrawals of ENJ are enabled on the App.

Crypto Earn now supports 27 coins including BTC, ETH, LTC, XRP, BNB, TUSD, PAX, USDC, TGBP, TCAD, TAUD, BAT, LINK, CRO, MKR, DAI, PAXG, EOS, XLM, ATOM, XTZ, BCH, VET, ICX, ADA with the addition of ENJ. Rewards are paid out weekly in the coin allocated with flexible, 1-month or 3-month terms available.

About Enjin

In 2009, Enjin launched the Enjin Network, a gaming community platform which boasts over 20 million users. In 2017 following a successful ICO that raised $18.9 million, Enjin began building a suite of blockchain products that enable anyone to easily manage, explore, distribute, and integrate blockchain assets.  

Comprised of the Enjin Platform, Marketplace, Wallet, Beam, and other tools and services, Enjin’s tools enable game developers and studios to utilize tokenized digital assets as part of their acquisition, retention, engagement, and monetization strategies. The Enjin ecosystem is fueled by Enjin Coin (ENJ), an Ethereum-based cryptocurrency used to directly back the value of Enjin-powered blockchain assets. For more information, visit

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Common Keywords: 

Ethereum / Dogecoin / Dapp / Tokens