Limited-Time Offer: Reduced Fees for NFT Traders and Creators

Only 1.99% processing fees for primary and secondary sales

Dec 28, 2021

*Extended* NFT is excited to announce that all collectors and creators can enjoy a reduced service fee of 1.99% on all sales made until 30 September 2022, 23:59 UTC.

NFT Traders

Secondary Reseller Fees have been reduced from 5% to 1.99%.

The platform features an active secondary Marketplace that boasts thousands of NFTs by A-list creators like Lega Serie A, BossLogic, and Snoop Dogg.

NFT Creators

Primary Seller Fees have been reduced from 15% to 1.99%.

It only takes a few simple steps to become a creator on Any user can submit an application and upon approval, they can start minting NFTs right away and list them for sale in the Marketplace.


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