Introducing the Standalone Wallet Extension

It’s now even easier to access and interact with DApps on desktop

Jun 17, 2022

We’re proud to announce that the Wallet Extension has been enhanced! The new Standalone Wallet Extension enables users to access DApps and confirm transactions directly on their desktop browser without having to launch the DeFi Wallet app. However, users can still access Bridge Mode if they prefer to confirm transactions on the DeFi Wallet app.

The Standalone Wallet Extension’s beta version comes with the following features, with more to be added soon:

  • Create or import a crypto wallet 
  • View wallet balances at a glance
  • Easily confirm transactions
  • Send and receive tokens 
  • Seamlessly switch between Bridge and Standalone Wallet Mode 

The Wallet Extension currently supports five blockchains: Cronos Beta, Chain, Ethereum, Cosmos and more.

Install the Wallet Extension Now

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Common Keywords: 

Ethereum / Dogecoin / Dapp / Tokens