DeFi Wallet Integrates With IBC Channel Between Cronos and Cosmos Hub

Seamlessly bridge ATOM between Cronos and Cosmos

Apr 27, 2022
DeFi Wallet Bridge Integration with Cosmo allowing ATOM bridge DeFi Wallet users can seamlessly transfer ATOM tokens between Cronos and Cosmos Hub using the Swap feature. What’s more, users can now easily view their full transaction history by going to Bridge Transactions. These features are available in DeFi Wallet App V1.31.0.

Check out our video guide for step-by-step instructions on how to bridge and swap tokens in the DeFi Wallet.

More on Cronos:

Cronos is the first Cosmos EVM chain for DeFi, NFTs, and the Metaverse. It aims to massively scale the DeFi and decentralised application (DApp) ecosystem by providing developers with the ability to instantly port apps from Ethereum and EVM-compatible chains. With low cost, high throughput, fast finality, and built-in interoperability, Cronos is poised to bring DApps to the 10M+ user base of the ecosystem and beyond.

Bridge Now

More on DeFi DeFi Wallet is a non-custodial wallet that grants users access to a full suite of DeFi services in one place. Users can flexibly store, swap, and earn interest on their tokens, which are protected by’s multi-layered security features. For more information on DeFi Wallet, please visit the Help Centre.

* DeFi Wallet is a separate product from the App and Exchange.

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Common Keywords: 

Ethereum / Dogecoin / Dapp / Tokens