Crypto Earn Updates: Revised Rates for BTC and MATIC

Effective from 12 August 2022

Aug 12, 2022

Starting today, Crypto Earn rewards rates for BTC and MATIC will be revised as per the table below:  

Revised Rewards Rates* Effective as of 12 August 2022, 10:00 UTC

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*Tier 2 rates, which is 0.5x the full rewards rate, will apply for the next US$27,000 worth of allocations once your Tier 1 quota of US$3,000 is filled. Tier 3 rates, which is 0.3x the Tier 2 rates, will apply to subsequent fixed terms once Tier 1 and Tier 2 quotas (a total of up to US$30,000 worth of allocations) are filled. 

**CRO lockup differs from the CRO allocations in Earn. Please refer here on how to lock up your CRO for the Visa Card. 

The new rates are only applicable to allocations placed on or after the effective date. The reward rates for allocations that have already been placed will remain unchanged, and Private users (Rose Gold, Icy White, and Obsidian cardholders) will still receive their additional 2% annual CRO reward on fixed-term allocations (not applicable to CRO allocations). 

We review our rewards rates regularly to ensure that they reflect the current market conditions.

Find more information about Crypto Earn and the revised rates here

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