is thrilled to announce another exciting Earn offer. You can now receive 15% p.a. on a CRO fixed-term plan on Earn with no allocation cap or tiered rewards structure for a limited time only. 

How does this limited-time offer work? Earn users will be able to receive 15% p.a. on their CRO 12-month fixed-term Earn plan with no allocation limit or tiered rewards structure. This means there will be no rewards cap, as long as users allocate CRO within the offer period. Furthermore, any allocations for this offer will not be counted towards your Earn Tier 1 quota. 

Availability of this 12-month fixed-term CRO plan will be on a first-come-first-serve basis. To register, simply go to the Earn Discover page on the App, select CRO, and enter the amount you would like to allocate. 

Note: This time-limited campaign is not available for residents of Hong Kong, Switzerland, Malta, and Australia where Earn is not available. Visit this site for more information.

Visit the Help Centre for more information about this limited-time offer. 

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Notes: Earn Limited Time Offer: Receive 15% p.a. on CRO

No cap on allocations, no tiered reward structure

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