is excited to present Cryptoverse Collection #3, which celebrates the launch of our Cronos Chain. We have partnered with VVS Finance to officially welcome their Chief Mining Officer, the hard-working Miner Mole to the Cryptoverse!

We’re giving away USD 100,000 worth of VVS and exclusive NFTs to users who collect different ‘Miner Mole’ NFTs as part of the Miner Mole Collection Sweepstakes!

Drop Start Date: Wednesday, 15 December 2021, 13:00 UTC

Drop End Date: Thursday, 16 December 2021, 13:00 UTC

We are dropping 10,000 ‘Cryptoverse Pack’ NFTs that users can purchase on the NFT platform for USD 20 each. Every Cryptoverse Pack contains an exclusive Miner Mole collectible, which can be virtually unwrapped immediately upon purchase.

Cryptoverse Pack Content

ContentContent Type NFT QuantityProbability # of Editions 
Demole-ition ExpertCollectibles (NFT)122%2,200
VVS Triple Treat Collectibles (NFT)122%2,200
Gold Rush Gary Collectibles (NFT)122%2,200
Rapid Mole-tiplier Collectibles (NFT)122%2,200
Very Very Simple MoleCollectibles (NFT)15%500
Hodl MoleCollectibles (NFT)15%500
VVS Elite ForceCollectibles (NFT)11%100
Cronos DwellerCollectibles (NFT)11%100

Following the drop, the NFTs can be traded on the NFT Marketplace. Users can purchase a maximum of 3 packs during the drop. Users who collect 2 or more unique “Miner Mole” collectibles before 30 December 2021, 13:00 UTC* will be automatically entered into the Miner Mole Collection Sweepstakes, where they can win exclusive NFTs or up to USD 100,000 worth of VVS!

*Transactions on the NFT Marketplace are processed on-chain and will require network confirmation and processing times outside of’s control. Please take this into consideration when trading the “Miner Mole” collectibles.
*Only “Miner Mole” NFTs can be traded on the NFT Marketplace. Unopened “Cryptoverse Pack” NFTs cannot be traded on the NFT Marketplace.

Miner Mole Collection Sweepstakes

Requirement*PrizesReward Type# of Prizes
8 Miner Mole CollectiblesUSD 400 worth of VVSCryptocurrency60
6+ Miner Mole CollectiblesUSD 100 worth of VVSCryptocurrency360
4+ Miner Mole CollectiblesUSD 50 worth of VVSCryptocurrency800
2+ Miner Mole Collectibles1 Exclusive NFTNFT1,000 

*Please note that different editions from the same collectible only count as 1 collectible. To be eligible for the sweepstakes, make sure you own different collectibles (edition numbers don’t matter).

Collectors who fulfill a Requirement* below will be automatically entered into the Sweepstakes, and the Prizes they are eligible to win will depend on the number of unique Miner Mole NFTs they own.

The more unique Miner Mole collectibles you own, the higher your chances of winning!  

Miner Mole Collection Sweepstakes (Example Scenario)

Requirement*# of Collectors Who Fulfil the Requirement*# of Prizes Available(Based on the table above)
8 Miner Mole Collectibles 8060
6+ Miner Mole Collectibles400360
4+ Miner Mole Collectibles1,000800
2+ Miner Mole Collectibles5001,000

There are 80, 400, 1,000, and 500 collectors who own 8, 6+, 4+, 2+ different “Miner Mole” collectibles, respectively.

Here’s what will happen in the sweepstakes:

  1. 60 collectors will be randomly selected out of the eligible 80 to win USD 400 worth of VVS, and the 20 remaining collectors who didn’t win will automatically be entered into the next sweepstakes with the 400 collectors who own 6+ “Miner Mole” collectibles
  2. 360 collectors will be randomly selected out of the eligible 420 (400 + 20) to win USD 100 worth of VVS, and the 60 remaining collectors who didn’t win will automatically be entered into the next sweepstakes with the 1,000 collectors who own 4+ “Miner Mole” collectibles
  3. 800 collectors will be randomly selected out of the eligible 1,060 (1,000 + 60) to win USD 50 worth of VVS, and the 260 remaining collectors who didn’t win will automatically be entered into the next sweepstakes with the 500 collectors who own 2+ “Miner Mole” collectibles.
  4. There are 760 (500 + 260) collectors eligible for the NFT reward; therefore, all collectors in this group will win the Exclusive NFT

How to Participate:

Users MUST connect their NFT and App accounts before 30 December 2021, 13:00 UTC to be eligible for this sweepstakes.

Helpful Links


Cryptoverse Collection #3 – Miner Mole (VVS)

Attracted to the Cryptoverse’s abundant natural resources, the industrious Miner Mole is now embarking on a new project to discover its purest gems. Let’s all give him a hand!

15 - 16 DEC, 2021 UTC NFT
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