Proof of Reputable Observations (PRO)

Proof of Reputable Observations (PRO) is a consensus mechanism introduced by the Constellation Network, a distributed ledger on a directed acyclic graph (DAG). In PRO, nodes (called ‘Observers’) play a critical role in securing the network, as they are responsible for observing network activity and validating transactions. These nodes collect data about the transactions and participate in the consensus process.

PRO is designed to incentivise nodes to act honestly and accurately in validating transactions, thereby contributing to the reliability and integrity of the Constellation Network blockchain. Observers are ranked based on user-supplied ratings of their performance and reliability in validating transactions. This reputation system ensures that only trustworthy nodes have a significant influence on the consensus process.

PRO uses a combination of reputation scores and cryptographic mechanisms to reach consensus on the validity of transactions. By leveraging reputable Observers, Constellation Network aims to improve the security and efficiency of its blockchain, and nodes with higher reputation scores have more weight in the consensus process.

Key Takeaway

Proof of Reputable Observations (PRO) is a consensus mechanism that uses a combination of reputation scores and cryptographic mechanisms.

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