Crypto Earn: Now Earn up to 6% p.a. on KNC allocations, paid in KNC
Earn up to 6% p.a. on your allocations, paid in KNC
Calling Kyber Network (KNC) hodlers – we have added KNC to Crypto Earn! Users can now earn up to 6% p.a. on their allocations, paid in KNC. Private users will earn up to 8% p.a.
In addition, deposits and withdrawals of KNC are enabled on the App.
Crypto Earn now supports 29 coins including BTC, ETH, LTC, XRP, BNB, TUSD, PAX, USDC, TGBP, TCAD, TAUD, BAT, LINK, CRO, MKR, DAI, PAXG, EOS, XLM, ATOM, XTZ, BCH, VET, ICX, ADA, ENJ, ALGO with the addition of KNC. Rewards are paid out weekly in the coin deposited with flexible, 1-month or 3-month terms available.
KNC is currently not available on Crypto Earn for residents of the United States.
About Kyber Network
Kyber is a blockchain-based liquidity protocol that aggregates liquidity from a wide range of reserves, powering instant and secure token exchange in any decentralized application. Kyber aggregates liquidity from diverse sources into a single pool, which provides the best rates for takers such as DApps, Wallets, DEXs, and End users. The project enables a wide range of decentralized use cases by allowing any wallet, website, and application to integrate instant token exchange directly into their application logic. For more information, visit
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