The markets are heating up! If Bitcoin’s recent rally above US$68,000 is getting you pumped, we’ve got great news for you. Up to 5 June, you have a chance to win a pair of UFC 304 tickets and a share of US$20,000 in BTC.

Campaign Period: 22 May 2024, 07:00 UTC – 5 June 2024, 00:00 UTC

Net Buy (US$20,000 BTC Prize Pool)

The top 2,000 eligible users ranked by ETH and SOL Net Buys will win US$10 of BTC each. What’s more, the top-ranked eligible user by ETH and SOL Net Buys will win a pair of tickets to UFC 304!

How to participate?

  1. Sign up or sign in to the App (Guide)
  2. Go to the campaign section on the home screen and tap ETH and SOL App Campaign > Join Now
  3. Acquire the Sophomore Trader Badge or a higher rank (Guide)
  4. Net Buy at least US$50 worth of ETH and/or SOL during the Campaign Period (Deposit Guide, Purchase Guide)

*ETH and SOL Net Buys = Buys (ETH and/or SOL) + Deposits (ETH and/or SOL) 

Useful Links:


ETH and SOL App Campaign

Win from a US$20,000 reward pool

22 MAY, 2024 UTC
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