Increased Limits for Fiat Wallets

We are pleased to announce that the deposit and withdrawal limits of multiple Fiat Wallets have been increased. The minimum amount for transfers has also been lowered for select Fiat Wallets.

We are pleased to announce that the deposit and withdrawal limits of multiple Fiat Wallets have been increased. The minimum amount for transfers has also been lowered for select Fiat Wallets.

Fiat Wallet Deposit

Fiat WalletPayment ChannelMinimum DepositDaily LimitMonthly Limit 
USDACH PushUSD 20USD 100,000 or 5 times*USD 1,000,000 or 30 times*
USDWireUSD 1,000*USD 1,000,000 or 5 times*USD 10,000,000 or 30 times*
USDACH PullUSD 20USD 50,000 or 5 timesUSD 50,000 or 30 times
USDCSWIFTUSD 100*USD 1,000,000*USD 10,000,000*
GBPFPSN/AGBP 250,000 per transactionNo limit
EURSEPA SCTN/AEUR 1,000,000 per transactionNo limit
SGDStraitsX WalletN/AXSGD 5,000 per transaction and XSGD 30,000 per year*No limit*
AUDNPPAUD 20*AUD 1,000,000*No limit*
AUDBPAYAUD 20*AUD 10,000AUD 300,000
CADInterac e-TransferCAD 20*CAD 25,000*CAD 1,000,000*
*Effective 11 January 2022

Fiat Wallet Withdrawal

Fiat WalletPayment ChannelMinimum WithdrawalDaily LimitMonthly Limit
USDACH PushUSD 100USD 100,000 or 5 times*USD 500,000 or 30 times*
USDCSWIFTUSD 500USD 500,000*USD 2,000,000*
GBPFPSGBP 70GBP 100,000*GBP 500,000*
EURSEPA SCTEUR 80*EUR 100,000*EUR 500,000*
SGDStraitsX WalletN/AXSGD 20,000USD 500,000
AUDNPPAUD 100AUD 200,000*AUD 1,000,000*
CADInterac e-TransferCAD 100CAD 25,000 or 10 times*CAD 775,000*
*Effective 11 January 2022

For more information on Fiat Wallets, please visit the related FAQ pages: 

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