Cap. di mercato
$2,498.57 B USD
Variazione 24H


Volume 24H
$79.41 B USD
BTC: 50.74%, ETH: 15.35%
10 Gwei




Aggiungi a elenco preferiti

$0.4243 USD



0.000006704 BTC



Crypton Grafico dei prezzi ( USD )


Cap. di mercato (USD)

$4.16 M



Offerta circolante

9.8 M CRP

Offerta massima


Offerta totale

9.8 M CRP

Quali sono le impressioni riguardo il mercato di oggi Crypton?

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Informazioni Crypton

Classifica #1689

Crypton Riepilogo prezzo

Ultima data

Il prezzo di Crypton oggi è US$0.4243, con un volume di scambi in 24 ore di $643,696. CRP è al +0.00% nelle ultime 24 ore.CRP ha un'offerta circolante di 9.8 M CRP.

What is UTOPIA?

Utopia is an ecosystem designed to protect the privacy of interactions and to preserve the security and confidentiality of each participant's personal data. The network went live on November 18, 2019, and is supported by the people who use it, based on Peer-to-Peer (P2P) technology. With no central server involved in data transmission or storage, it has no single point of failure and is truly decentralized. Each node, including your Utopia client, transmits network data using secure Curve25519 high-speed elliptic curve cryptography. The data transmitted cannot be intercepted by any third-party, only the recipient is able to read it. All personal account data is stored on a Utopia user's local device in an encrypted file using 256-bit AES encryption. Utopia enables users to bypass online censorship and firewalls, allowing them to freely communicate and interact with whomever they want, whenever they want. Users can privately send instant text and voice messages, transfer files, play games and create censorship-resistant group chats, channels, and websites, as well as make and accept payments denominated in Utopia's fully integrated digital currency, Crypton.

More about Crypton

Crypton (CRP) is the monetary unit and digital currency of the Utopia P2P ecosystem. It is a decentralized cryptocurrency where transactions are instant, irreversible, and completely untraceable. When Cryptons are sent, the Peer-to-Peer network of Utopia confirms the transaction immediately, without delay. There is no centralized, or decentralized, authority capable of reversing a transaction on the Utopia network. uWallet balances of Cryptons cannot be seized or even identified by any authority. Crypton transactions are completely anonymous and cannot be tracked on the blockchain. Only the sender and receiver have any record of a transaction. Newly mined Cryptons are distributed every 15min block to nodes helping to maintain the network which meet the minimum requirements.

Più informazioni Crypton

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Risorse importanti

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Se hai appena scoperto il mondo delle criptovalute, sfrutta le risorse di Universitye il nostro Centro assistenza per imparare a comprare Bitcoin, Ethereum e altre criptovalute.

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La pagina dei prezzi Crypton è solo una delle Indice dei prezzi di che include la cronologia e i ticker dei prezzi, la capitalizzazione di mercato e i grafici in tempo reale delle migliori criptovalute.

CRP Statistiche sui prezzi

Crypton Prezzo


24h max / 24h min


7gg max / 7gg min


Valori più alti (ultimi 30 giorni) / Valori più bassi (ultimi 30 giorni)


Valori più alti (ultimi 90 giorni) / Valori più bassi (ultimi 90 giorni)


All-time high / All-time low


Di tendenza

Convertitore di valuta




1 CRP = 0.4243 USD

La tariffa è solo di riferimento. Valore aggiornato:

Informazioni generali

Canali social

CRP Statistiche sui prezzi

Crypton Prezzo


24h max / 24h min


7gg max / 7gg min


Valori più alti (ultimi 30 giorni) / Valori più bassi (ultimi 30 giorni)


Valori più alti (ultimi 90 giorni) / Valori più bassi (ultimi 90 giorni)


All-time high / All-time low


Di tendenza


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