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The Da Ai (Greatest Love) Calligraphy NFT

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The Da Ai (Greatest Love) Calligraphy NFT's average price is N/A USD (7D) with a sales volume of 0 USD (7D). The Da Ai (Greatest Love) Calligraphy NFT is 0.00% for the last 7 days. The latest floor price of The Da Ai (Greatest Love) Calligraphy NFT is N/A USD with a total volume of N/A.
Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha creates unique art that carries a powerful vibrational field of positive healing messages that transform every aspect of life. Tao Calligraphy combines the beauty of the unique one-stroke form of Chinese calligraphy with Tao information and energy to create a field that nourishes life. This special art carries healing messages of unconditional love, forgiveness, and more. When you connect with the positive healing field and messages of Tao Calligraphy, negative thoughts, words, and actions can diminish and your true nature can emerge. You experience more inner peace and inner joy in your everyday life and can develop your potential to a higher level.

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