The ‘L-AI-ONS’ NFT Collection Sale Details

Don’t miss the chance to design and mint your very own Loaded Lions-inspired NFTs

Ll X Corgi Ai Sale Blog 2

Mark your calendars, the ‘L-AI-ONS’ NFT collection goes on sale soon! You are closer than ever to designing and minting your very own Loaded Lions inspired NFTs using the CorgiAI Cr8tor tool. For more details on each sales phase, continue reading below. 

Early Access

This phase is available for ‘Loaded Lion’, ‘Dark Lion’, ‘ Land’, ‘Cyber Cubs’ and ‘CorgiAI Top Dog’ NFT holders who received an allowlist spot. 1,000 NFTs are reserved during this sales phase where holders will also receive a 50% discount per NFT, with a price of US$15 in $CORGIAI. This phase will remain open for 24 hours or until all 1,000 NFTs have sold out.

Allowlist Mint: 28 October 2024, 09:00 UTC ー 29 October 2024, 09:00 UTC (24 hours)

Public Mint

The public sale phase will start on 29 Oct 24, 09:00 UTC and will remain open for 48 hours or until the NFTs have sold out. A minimum of 1,000 NFTs will be available during this sale, where each NFT is priced at US$30 in $CORGIAI.

Public Mint: 29 October 2024, 09:00 UTCー 31 October 2024, 09:00 UTC (48 hours)

Allowlist SalePublic Sale
Pack priceUS$15 in $CORGIAIUS$30 in $CORGIAI
Maximum number of NFTs per userOneTwo

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  • Join us on Twitter for the latest updates on all things Loaded Lions, Dark Lions, Cyber Cubs, and The Mane Net.
  • Join us on Discord to connect with the NFT community.
  • Guide for completing KYC verification in the App.
  • Guide for buying and selling collectibles on NFT.
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