Capitalisation du marché
$3,491.06 B USD
Variation 24H


Volume 24H
$84.95 B USD
BTC: 53.42%, ETH: 11.10%
3 Gwei

PSG x Clown Skateboards

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À propos

PSG x Clown Skateboards's average price is N/A USD (7D) with a sales volume of 0 USD (7D). PSG x Clown Skateboards is 0.00% for the last 7 days. The latest floor price of PSG x Clown Skateboards is 50.00 USD with a total volume of N/A.
This NFT art references the worlds of football and skateboarding and two beloved cities Paris and London, with accompanying Easter Eggs referencing specific geographical points relevant to the rich cultural history of the brands. Can you spot them? The soundtrack for the NFT has been specially created by long-time friend of Clown Skateboards, the legendary DJ Zinc who has been at the forefront of breakbeat culture for over 30 years always with his own signature sound. You might recognize the artist behind the Clown Skateboards’ logo. Yes, it is Banksy!

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