Welcome to the Exchange API v1 reference documentation.
The Exchange API v1 provides developers with a REST, and websocket API.
The majority of API calls are available across both mediums in the same request and response formats, allowing smooth transition and a reduced learning curve between the two platforms.
Where applicable, all API calls come with detailed information on both the request and response parameters, all in a simple JSON format, as well as sample requests and code snippets in JavaScript, Python, C#, and Java which can be viewed on the right.
Notes on Exchange Upgrade and API Versions
- Exchange v1 API is the latest version of API which can trade Spot / Derivatives / Margin.
- Derivatives v1 API has been upgraded into Exchange v1 API with additional capabilities for Spot Trading / Margin Trading / Wallet Management. As Exchange v1 API is a superset of Derivatives v1 API, existing customer can continue using the same for trading.
- For full details about the exchange upgrade, please refer to this blog post with FAQ documents.
Breaking Change Schedule
- On 2025-02-27 8:00 UTC,
, the full snapshot subscription (book_subscription_type=SNAPSHOT
frequency is removed.
Customers wishing to continue with the faster100ms
frequency should switch to the delta subscription (book_subscription_type=SNAPSHOT_AND_UPDATE
This higher performing subscription benefits the user with reduced bandwidth/processing compared to the snapshot subscription.
For a transition period, users subscribing to the removed100ms
snapshot will receive the500ms
subscription (default depth) will be removed.
Customers should use the explicitbook.{instrument_name}.{depth}
subscription and specify the required depth.For a transition period, users subscribing to the removed subscription will receive the default
depth subscription.
- These changes will take place around 17 December 2023 8:00 UTC.
- Market Data wildcard ticker subscription will be removed. Users should use the instrument specific subscription.
Change Logs
- Removed deprecated
default book subscription - Removed deprecated 100ms internval from full snapshot
book subscription
- Removed deprecated
- Remove section:
Unified Wallet and System Label
- Remove section:
- The following additional update frequencies are now supported:
Full snapshot subscription (book_subscription_type=SNAPSHOT
Delta subscription (book_subscription_type=SNAPSHOT_AND_UPDATE
fee_instrument_name was added
was added
was addedprivate/get-instrument-fee-rate
was added
- Staking API added:
- Staking API added:
self-trade prevent (STP) was addedprivate/create-order-list (LIST)
self-trade prevent (STP) was added
subscription, clarification for the public trade side field- Side is the side of the taker order
clarifications for book delta sequence number handling and re-subscription
- Market data websocket subscription enhancements:
- Thesubscription
result value is now explicit
e.g. previous"subscription": "book.BTC_USD"
-> new"subscription": "book.BTC_USD.50"
- For delta updates, the fixed 500ms delta full book snapshot heartbeat is replaced with empty delta in the case of no book changesticker
- Documented existing 'bs' and 'ks' fields (bid/ask size)settlement
- For wildcard subscription, thesubscription
result value is now explicit
e.g. previous"subscription": "settlement"
-> new"subscription": "settlement.BTCUSD-231124"
- Applied consistent field ordering for all market data subscriptions (
Result fields are always in the following order:id, method, code, instrument_name, subscription, channel
- Market data REST
- Added additional
nanoseconds timestamp field to the trade response - Clarified timestamp pagination parameters
- Market Data wildcard ticker subscription removed. Users should use the instrument specific subscription.
- Introduced Market Data subscription limiting. Refer to Market Data Websocket Subscription Limits for more details
will be updated:
1. Existing field total_margin_balance will represent new margin balance calculation without haircut.
2. Existing field total_initial_margin previously is made up of position IM only. On effective date, this field will represent the total sum of total_position_im + total_haircut
3. New field total_position_im will be introduced to represent initial margin requirement to support open positions and orders
4. New field total_haircut will be introduced to represent the total haircut on eligible collateral token assets. Refer to Smart Cross Margin Enhancement Guide for detailsuser.balance
will be updated:
1. New field collateral_eligible will be introduced to indicate if token is eligible Collateral
2. collateral_weight will be deprecated
3. New field haircut will be introduced to show haircut of eligible collateral token instead of collateral Weight. Refer to Smart Cross Margin Enhancement Guide for details
private/create-order-list (LIST)
for batch order creation addedprivate/cancel-order-list (LIST)
for batch order cancel added
- Market Data Websocket Subscriptions is effective:
- channel will return the fixed hourly rate that will settle at the end of the hour.estimatedfunding.{instrument_name}
- channel will return the estimated hourly rate that will begin in the next interval.- Added new “funding_rate” and “estimated_funding_rate” valuation types for public/get-valuations
- Market Data Websocket Subscriptions is effective:
- Support using
to query inprivate/get-order-detail
- Support using
(aka USD Bundle), will be renamed asUSD
. Customer can test the change in UAT from 2022-11-10 before the change is effective in PROD. Target date for PROD is TBD.- Customer can input both
to mean the same USD Bundle. - However, on response,
will be used to mean USD Bundle, instead ofUSD_Stable_Coin
- Added
REST APIs - Added
WebSocket subscriptions - Added more
WebSocket subscription
- Added
2022-09-21 - Added Unified Wallet and System Label section, to illustrate the transition from multiple wallets into unified wallet.
2022-09-21 - Added new sub-account management endpoints:
2022-09-21 - Added new exchange wallet management endpoints:
2022-09-21 - First publish, based on Derivative Exchange API v1.
Common API Reference
Most of the APIs for REST and Websockets are shared, and follow the same request format and response, allowing users to easily switch between the two methods.
The Applies To
section under each API allows you to see which platform supports the API.
Naming Conventions
All methods and URLs in dash-case
All parameters in snake_case
Enums in full uppercase and snake_case
Generating the API Key
Before sending any requests, you'll need to generate a new API key.
This can be done in the Exchange website under User Center
After generating the key, there are two things you need to carefully note down:
- API Key
- Secret Key
API Key and Secret are randomly generated by the system and can not be modified. Default settings will be set to "Can Read" only, and you have the option of adding or removing certain permissions for your API Key via Web UI.
You can optionally specify a whitelist of IP addresses when generating the API Key.
If specified, the API can only be used from the whitelisted IP addresses.
REST API Root Endpoint
UAT Sandbox
REST API{method}
REST API{method}
Websocket Root Endpoints
The Websocket is available across two servers -- the User API Websocket (for authenticated requests and subscriptions), and Market Data Websocket:
UAT Sandbox
Websocket (User API and Subscriptions)
Websocket (Market Data Subscriptions)
Websocket (User API and Subscriptions)
Websocket (Market Data Subscriptions)
Rate Limits
For authenticated calls, rate limits are per API method, per API key:
Method | Limit |
private/create-order private/cancel-order private/cancel-all-orders |
15 requests per 100ms each |
private/get-order-detail |
30 requests per 100ms |
private/get-trades |
1 requests per second |
private/get-order-history |
1 requests per second |
All others | 3 requests per 100ms each |
For public market data calls, rate limits are per API method, per IP address:
Method | Limit |
public/get-book public/get-ticker public/get-trades public/get-valuations public/get-candlestick public/get-insurance |
100 requests per second each |
Method | Limit |
public/staking/* |
50 requests per second |
private/staking/* |
50 requests per second |
Websocket | Limit |
User API | 150 requests per second |
Market Data | 100 requests per second |
and private/get-order-history
is rate limited at 5 requests per second on the Websocket
We recommend adding a 1-second sleep after establishing the websocket connection, and before requests are sent.
This will avoid occurrences of rate-limit (`TOO_MANY_REQUESTS`) errors, as the websocket rate limits are pro-rated based on the calendar-second that the websocket connection was opened.
Open Order Limit
Condition | Limit |
Maximum allowed open orders per trading pair per account/subaccount | 200 |
Overall maximum allowed open orders per account/subaccount across all trading pairs | 1000 |
Request Format
The following information applies to both REST API and websockets commands:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | long | Y | Request Identifier Range: 0 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 Response message will contain the same id |
method | string | Y | The method to be invoked |
params | object | N | Parameters for the methods |
api_key | string | Depends | API key. See Digital Signature section |
sig | string | Depends | Digital signature. See Digital Signature section |
nonce | long | Y | Current timestamp (milliseconds since the Unix epoch) |
Digital Signature
const crypto = require("crypto-js");
const signRequest = (request_body, api_key, secret) => {
const { id, method, params, nonce } = request_body;
function isObject(obj) { return obj !== undefined && obj !== null && obj.constructor == Object; }
function isArray(obj) { return obj !== undefined && obj !== null && obj.constructor == Array; }
function arrayToString(obj) { return obj.reduce((a,b) => { return a + (isObject(b) ? objectToString(b) : (isArray(b) ? arrayToString(b) : b)); }, ""); }
function objectToString(obj) { return (obj == null ? "" : Object.keys(obj).sort().reduce((a, b) => { return a + b + (isArray(obj[b]) ? arrayToString(obj[b]) : (isObject(obj[b]) ? objectToString(obj[b]) : obj[b])); }, "")); }
const paramsString = objectToString(params);
const sigPayload = method + id + api_key + paramsString + nonce;
request_body.sig = crypto.HmacSHA256(sigPayload, secret).toString(crypto.enc.Hex);
const apiKey = "token"; /* User API Key */
const apiSecret = "secretKey"; /* User API Secret */
let request = {
id: 11,
method: "private/get-order-detail",
api_key: API_KEY,
params: {
order_id: 53287421324
nonce: 1587846358253,
const requestBody = JSON.stringify(signRequest(request, apiKey, apiSecret)));
For REST API, only the private methods require a Digital Signature (as "sig") and API key (as "api_key") to be passed in. These private endpoints are only accessible by authenticated users.
For Websocket (User API), the public/auth
command has to be invoked ONCE per session, with the Digital Signature (as "sig") and API key (as "api_key") as part of the request. Once authenticated, you will gain access to user-specific commands, and no longer need to use the pass in the Digital Signature and API key anymore for the duration of the session.
The authentication is based on the pairing of the API Key, along with the HMAC-SHA256 hash of the request parameters using the API Secret as the cryptographic key.
The algorithm for generating the HMAC-SHA256 signature is as follows:
If "params" exist in the request, sort the request parameter keys in ascending order.
Combine all the ordered parameter keys as
(no spaces, no delimiters). Let's call this theparameter string
Next, do the following:
+parameter string
Use HMAC-SHA256 to hash the above using the API Secret as the cryptographic key
Encode the output as a hex string -- this is your Digital Signature
Request Format
All numbers must be strings, and must be wrapped in double quotes. e.g. "12.34", instead of 12.34.
Response Format
Name | Type | Description |
id | long | Original request identifier |
method | string | Method invoked |
result | object | Result object |
code | int | 0 for success, see below for full list |
message | string | (optional) For server or error messages |
original | string | (optional) Original request as a string, for error cases |
Response and Reason Codes
These codes are shared by both the response, and the reason
field for rejected orders.
Code | HTTP Status | Message Code | Description |
0 | 200 | -- | Success |
201 | 500 | NO_POSITION | No position |
202 | 400 | ACCOUNT_IS_SUSPENDED | Account is suspended |
203 | 500 | ACCOUNTS_DO_NOT_MATCH | Accounts do not match |
204 | 400 | DUPLICATE_CLORDID | Duplicate client order id |
205 | 500 | DUPLICATE_ORDERID | Duplicate order id |
206 | 500 | INSTRUMENT_EXPIRED | Instrument has expired |
207 | 400 | NO_MARK_PRICE | No mark price |
208 | 400 | INSTRUMENT_NOT_TRADABLE | Instrument is not tradable |
209 | 400 | INVALID_INSTRUMENT | Instrument is invalid |
210 | 500 | INVALID_ACCOUNT | Account is invalid |
211 | 500 | INVALID_CURRENCY | Currency is invalid |
212 | 500 | INVALID_ORDERID | Invalid order id |
213 | 400 | INVALID_ORDERQTY | Invalid order quantity |
214 | 500 | INVALID_SETTLE_CURRENCY | Invalid settlement currency |
215 | 500 | INVALID_FEE_CURRENCY | Invalid fee currency |
216 | 500 | INVALID_POSITION_QTY | Invalid position quantity |
217 | 500 | INVALID_OPEN_QTY | Invalid open quantity |
218 | 400 | INVALID_ORDTYPE | Invalid order_type |
219 | 500 | INVALID_EXECINST | Invalid exec_inst |
220 | 400 | INVALID_SIDE | Invalid side |
221 | 400 | INVALID_TIF | Invalid time_in_force |
222 | 400 | STALE_MARK_PRICE | Stale mark price |
223 | 400 | NO_CLORDID | No client order id |
224 | 400 | REJ_BY_MATCHING_ENGINE | Rejected by matching engine |
225 | 400 | EXCEED_MAXIMUM_ENTRY_LEVERAGE | Exceeds maximum entry leverage |
226 | 400 | INVALID_LEVERAGE | Invalid leverage |
227 | 400 | INVALID_SLIPPAGE | Invalid slippage |
228 | 400 | INVALID_FLOOR_PRICE | Invalid floor price |
229 | 400 | INVALID_REF_PRICE | Invalid ref price |
230 | 400 | INVALID_TRIGGER_TYPE | Invalid ref price type |
301 | 500 | ACCOUNT_IS_IN_MARGIN_CALL | Account is in margin call |
302 | 500 | EXCEEDS_ACCOUNT_RISK_LIMIT | Exceeds account risk limit |
303 | 500 | EXCEEDS_POSITION_RISK_LIMIT | Exceeds position risk limit |
304 | 500 | ORDER_WILL_LEAD_TO_IMMEDIATE_LIQUIDATION | Order will lead to immediate liquidation |
305 | 500 | ORDER_WILL_TRIGGER_MARGIN_CALL | Order will trigger margin call |
306 | 500 | INSUFFICIENT_AVAILABLE_BALANCE | Insufficient available balance |
307 | 500 | INVALID_ORDSTATUS | Invalid order status |
308 | 400 | INVALID_PRICE | Invalid price |
309 | 500 | MARKET_IS_NOT_OPEN | Market is not open |
310 | 500 | ORDER_PRICE_BEYOND_LIQUIDATION_PRICE | Order price beyond liquidation price |
311 | 500 | POSITION_IS_IN_LIQUIDATION | Position is in liquidation |
312 | 500 | ORDER_PRICE_GREATER_THAN_LIMITUPPRICE | Order price is greater than the limit up price |
313 | 500 | ORDER_PRICE_LESS_THAN_LIMITDOWNPRICE | Order price is less than the limit down price |
314 | 400 | EXCEEDS_MAX_ORDER_SIZE | Exceeds max order size |
315 | 400 | FAR_AWAY_LIMIT_PRICE | Far away limit price |
316 | 500 | NO_ACTIVE_ORDER | No active order |
317 | 500 | POSITION_NO_EXIST | Position does not exist |
318 | 400 | EXCEEDS_MAX_ALLOWED_ORDERS | Exceeds max allowed orders |
319 | 400 | EXCEEDS_MAX_POSITION_SIZE | Exceeds max position size |
320 | 500 | EXCEEDS_INITIAL_MARGIN | Exceeds initial margin |
321 | 500 | EXCEEDS_MAX_AVAILABLE_BALANCE | Exceeds maximum availble balance |
401 | 400 | ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXIST | Account does not exist |
406 | 500 | ACCOUNT_IS_NOT_ACTIVE | Account is not active |
407 | 500 | MARGIN_UNIT_DOES_NOT_EXIST | Margin unit does not exist |
408 | 400 | MARGIN_UNIT_IS_SUSPENDED | Margin unit is suspended |
409 | 500 | INVALID_USER | Invalid user |
410 | 500 | USER_IS_NOT_ACTIVE | User is not active |
411 | 500 | USER_NO_DERIV_ACCESS | User does not have derivative access |
412 | 500 | ACCOUNT_NO_DERIV_ACCESS | Account does not have derivative access |
415 | 500 | BELOW_MIN_ORDER_SIZE | Below Min. Order Size |
501 | 500 | EXCEED_MAXIMUM_EFFECTIVE_LEVERAGE | Exceeds maximum effective leverage |
604 | 500 | INVALID_COLLATERAL_PRICE | Invalid collateral price |
605 | 500 | INVALID_MARGIN_CALC | Invalid margin calculation |
606 | 500 | EXCEED_ALLOWED_SLIPPAGE | Exceed allowed slippage |
30024 | 400 | MAX_AMOUNT_VIOLATED | If create-withdrawal call quantity > max_withdrawal_balance in user-balance api |
40001 | 400 | BAD_REQUEST | Bad request |
40002 | 400 | METHOD_NOT_FOUND | Method not found |
40003 | 400 | INVALID_REQUEST | Invalid request |
40004 | 400 | MISSING_OR_INVALID_ARGUMENT | Required argument is blank or missing |
40005 | 400 | INVALID_DATE | Invalid date |
40006 | 400 | DUPLICATE_REQUEST | Duplicate request received |
40101 | 401 | UNAUTHORIZED | Not authenticated, or key/signature incorrect |
40102 | 400 | INVALID_NONCE | Nonce value differs by more than 60 seconds |
40103 | 401 | IP_ILLEGAL | IP address not whitelisted |
40104 | 401 | USER_TIER_INVALID | Disallowed based on user tier |
40107 | 400 | EXCEED_MAX_SUBSCRIPTIONS | Session subscription limit has been exceeded |
40401 | 200 | NOT_FOUND | Not found |
40801 | 408 | REQUEST_TIMEOUT | Request has timed out |
42901 | 429 | TOO_MANY_REQUESTS | Requests have exceeded rate limits |
43003 | 500 | FILL_OR_KILL | FOK order has not been filled and cancelled |
43004 | 500 | IMMEDIATE_OR_CANCEL | IOC order has not been filled and cancelled |
43005 | 500 | POST_ONLY_REJ | Rejected POST_ONLY create-order request (normally happened when exec_inst contains POST_ONLY but time_in_force is NOT GOOD_TILL_CANCEL ) |
43012 | 200 | SELF_TRADE_PREVENTION | Canceled due to Self Trade Prevention |
50001 | 400 | DW_CREDIT_LINE_NOT_MAINTAINED | If create-withdrawal call breaching credit line check |
50001 | 400 | ERR_INTERNAL | Internal error |
Websocket Termination Codes
Code | Description |
1000 | Normal disconnection by server, usually when the heartbeat isn't handled properly |
1006 | Abnormal disconnection |
1013 | Server restarting -- try again later |
Error Response Format
Due to the asynchronous nature of websocket requests, a robust and consistent error response is crucial in order to match the response with the request.
To ensure API consistency for websocket error responses, if the id
and method
is omitted in the original request, id
will have a value of -1
and method
will have a value of ERROR
The original request will be returned as an escaped string in the original
Reference and Market Data API
Request Sample
Response Sample
"id" : -1,
"method" : "public/get-risk-parameters",
"code" : 0,
"result" : {
"default_max_product_leverage_for_spot" : "1.0",
"default_max_product_leverage_for_perps" : "20.0",
"default_max_product_leverage_for_futures" : "20.0",
"default_unit_margin_rate" : "0.05",
"default_collateral_cap" : "-1.0",
"update_timestamp_ms" : 1727853473520,
"base_currency_config" : [ {
"instrument_name" : "1INCH",
"minimum_haircut" : "0",
"unit_margin_rate" : "0.00050",
"order_limit" : "100000.0"
}, {
"instrument_name" : "AAVE",
"collateral_cap_notional" : "3600000.0",
"minimum_haircut" : "0.2",
"max_product_leverage_for_spot" : "5.0",
"unit_margin_rate" : "0.007",
"max_short_sell_limit" : "600.0",
"order_limit" : "500000.0",
"max_order_notional_usd" : "100000.0",
"min_order_notional_usd" : "1.0"
}, {
"instrument_name" : "ACA",
"order_limit" : "100000.0",
"max_order_notional_usd" : "100000.0",
"min_order_notional_usd" : "1.0"
}, {
"instrument_name" : "ACH",
"minimum_haircut" : "0",
"unit_margin_rate" : "0.00015",
"order_limit" : "100000.0",
"max_order_notional_usd" : "100000.0",
"min_order_notional_usd" : "1.0"
}, {
"instrument_name" : "AERGO",
"order_limit" : "100000.0",
"max_order_notional_usd" : "100000.0",
"min_order_notional_usd" : "1.0"
}, {
"instrument_name" : "AERO",
"order_limit" : "1000.0",
"max_order_notional_usd" : "100000.0",
"min_order_notional_usd" : "1.0"
}, {
"instrument_name" : "ZRO",
"minimum_haircut" : "0",
"unit_margin_rate" : "0.004",
"order_limit" : "500000.0",
"max_order_notional_usd" : "100000.0",
"min_order_notional_usd" : "1.0"
}, {
"instrument_name" : "ZRX",
"minimum_haircut" : "0",
"unit_margin_rate" : "0.00040",
"order_limit" : "100000.0",
"max_order_notional_usd" : "100000.0",
"min_order_notional_usd" : "1.0"
} ]
Provides information on risk parameter settings for Smart Cross Margin.
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
An array, consisting of:
Name | Type | Description |
default_max_product_leverage_for_spot | number | default max product leverage for margin trading unless specified in base_currency_config array |
default_max_product_leverage_for_perps | number | default max product leverage for perpetuals unless specified in base_currency_config array |
default_max_product_leverage_for_futures | number | default max product leverage for futures unless specified in base_currency_config array |
default_unit_margin_rate | number | default additional margin rate / haircut rate for holding 1 unit of positions unless specified in base_currency_config array |
default_collateral_cap | number | refer to specified collateral cap for each token in base_currency_config array. Field is omitted if the token is not eligible as collateral |
update_timestamp_ms | number | Last update time |
base_currency_config | array of string | specific risk parameters as shown below |
base_currency_config is an array consisting of below fields for specific base tokens.
Name | Type | Description |
collateral_cap_notional | number | the maximum $notional that is counted towards the margin balance. Any additional token balance would not contribute to the margin balance. Field is omitted if the token is not eligible as collateral |
minimum_haircut | number | Minimum haircut rate. Field is omitted if the token is not eligible as collateral |
max_product_leverage_for_spot | number | the max product leverage for margin trading on this token. |
max_product_leverage_for_perps | number | the max product leverage for perpetuals on this base token |
max_product_leverage_for_futures | number | the max product leverage for futures on this base token |
unit_margin_rate | number | the additional margin rate / haircut rate for holding 1 unit of positions with this base token |
max_short_sell_limit | number | max negative asset balance user can hold on the base token. If field is omitted means no short sell permitted on the token |
daily_notional_limit | number | max spot order notional user can place in rolling 24-hour window. If field is omitted, user can trade unlimited on this base token |
order_limit | number | max $notional per spot order on this base token |
max_order_notional_usd | number | max $notional per spot order on this base token |
min_order_notional_usd | number | min $notional per spot order on this base token |
Request Sample
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"code": 0,
"display_name":"BTCUSD Perpetual",
"underlying_symbol": "BTCUSD-INDEX"
Provides information on all supported instruments (e.g. BTCUSD-PERP).
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
An array, consisting of:
Name | Type | Description |
symbol | string | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
inst_type | string | e.g. PERPETUAL_SWAP |
display_name | string | e.g. BTCUSD Perpetual |
base_ccy | string | Base currency, e.g. BTC |
quote_ccy | string | Quote currency, e.g. USD |
quote_decimals | number | Minimum decimal place for price field |
quantity_decimals | number | Minimum decimal place for qty field |
price_tick_size | string | Minimum price tick size |
qty_tick_size | string | Minimum trading quantity / tick size |
max_leverage | string | Max leverage of the product |
tradable | boolean | True or false |
expiry_timestamp_ms | number | Expiry timestamp in millisecond |
underlying_symbol | string | Underlying symbol |
Request Sample
Response Sample
"result": {
"depth": 10,
"data": [{
"asks": [
["50126.000000", "0.400000", "0"],
["50130.000000", "1.279000", "0"],
["50136.000000", "1.279000", "0"],
["50137.000000", "0.800000", "0"],
["50142.000000", "1.279000", "0"],
["50148.000000", "2.892900", "0"],
["50154.000000", "1.279000", "0"],
["50160.000000", "1.133000", "0"],
["50166.000000", "3.090700", "0"],
["50172.000000", "1.279000", "0"]
"bids": [
["50113.500000", "0.400000", "0"],
["50113.000000", "0.051800", "0"],
["50112.000000", "1.455300", "0"],
["50106.000000", "1.174800", "0"],
["50100.500000", "0.800000", "0"],
["50100.000000", "1.455300", "0"],
["50097.500000", "0.048000", "0"],
["50097.000000", "0.148000", "0"],
["50096.500000", "0.399200", "0"],
["50095.000000", "0.399200", "0"]
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP"
Fetches the public order book for a particular instrument and depth.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
instrument_name | string | Y | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
depth | string | Y | Number of bids and asks to return (up to 50) |
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
instrument_name | string | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
depth | string | Number of bids and asks to return (up to 50) |
data | array | See below |
consists of:
Name | Type | Description |
bids | array | Bids array: [0] = Price, [1] = Quantity, [2] = Number of Orders |
asks | array | Asks array: [0] = Price, [1] = Quantity, [2] = Number of Orders |
Note: Known issue: Number of Orders currently returns 0
Request Sample
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "public/get-candlestick",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"interval": "M5",
"data": [{
"o": "50508.500000", // Open price
"h": "50548.500000", // High price
"l": "50172.500000", // Low price
"c": "50202.000000", // Close price
"v": "17.203200", // Volume
"t": 1613544000000 // Start time
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP"
Retrieves candlesticks (k-line data history) over a given period for an instrument (e.g. BTCUSD-PERP).
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
instrument_name | string | Y | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
timeframe | string | N | The period value as show below. Default is M1 . |
count | number | N | Default is 25 |
start_ts | number | N | Default timestamp is 1 day ago (Unix timestamp) |
end_ts | number | N | Default timestamp is current time (Unix timestamp) |
can be:
: one minute. (Legacy format:M1
: five minutes. (Legacy format:M5
: 15 minutes. (Legacy format:M15
: 30 minutes. (Legacy format:M30
: one hour. (Legacy format:H1
: two hours. (Legacy format:H2
: 4 hours. (Legacy format:H4
: 12 hours. (Legacy format:H12
: one day. (Legacy format:D1
: 1 week starting at 00:00 UTC each Monday14D
: 2 week intervals starting at Monday, Oct-28-2019, 00:00 UTC1M
: 1 month starting at first day of each calendar month, 00:00 UTC
Lagacy format is still supported until further notice.
Applies To
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
instrument_name | string | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
interval | string | The period (e.g. M5) |
data | array | See below |
consists of:
Name | Type | Description |
t | long | Start time of candlestick (Unix timestamp) |
o | number | Open |
h | number | High |
l | number | Low |
c | number | Close |
v | number | Volume |
Request Sample
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "public/get-trades",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"data": [{
"d": "15281981878", // Trade ID
"t": 1613547060925, // Trade timestamp milliseconds
"tn": "1613547060925523623", // Trade timestamp nanoseconds
"q": "0.181900", // Quantity
"p": "50772.000000", // Price
"s": "SELL", // Side
"i": "BTCUSD-PERP" // Instrument name
"m": "76423" // Trade match ID
Fetches the public trades for a particular instrument.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
instrument_name | string | Y | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
count | number | N | The maximum number of trades to be retrieved. Default: 25 Max: 150 |
start_ts | number or string | N | Start time in Unix time format (inclusive ).Default: end_time - 1 day .Nanosecond is recommended for accurate pagination |
end_ts | number or string | N | End time in Unix time format (exclusive )Default: current system timestamp. Nanosecond is recommended for accurate pagination |
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
d | string of number | Trade ID |
t | number | Trade timestamp in milliseconds |
tn | string of number | Trade timestamp in nanoseconds |
q | number | Trade quantity |
p | number | Trade price |
s | string | Side (BUY or SELL ). Side is the side of the taker order |
i | string | Instrument name e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
m | string of number | Trade match ID |
Request Sample
Response Sample
"id": -1,
"method": "public/get-tickers",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"data": [{
"h": "51790.00", // Price of the 24h highest trade
"l": "47895.50", // Price of the 24h lowest trade, null if there weren't any trades
"a": "51174.500000", // The price of the latest trade, null if there weren't any trades
"i": "BTCUSD-PERP", // Instrument name
"v": "879.5024", // The total 24h traded volume
"vv": "26370000.12", // The total 24h traded volume value (in USD)
"oi": "12345.12", // Open interest
"c": "0.03955106", // 24-hour price change, null if there weren't any trades
"b": "51170.000000", // The current best bid price, null if there aren't any bids
"k": "51180.000000", // The current best ask price, null if there aren't any asks
"t": 1613580710768
Fetches the public tickers for all or a particular instrument.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
instrument_name | string | N | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
h | string | Price of the 24h highest trade |
l | string | Price of the 24h lowest trade, null if there weren't any trades |
a | string | The price of the latest trade, null if there weren't any trades |
i | string | Instrument name |
v | string | The total 24h traded volum |
vv | string | The total 24h traded volume value (in USD) |
oi | string | The open interest |
c | string | 24-hour price change, null if there weren't any trades |
b | string | The current best bid price, null if there aren't any bids |
k | string | The current best ask price, null if there aren't any asks |
t | number | Trade timestamp |
Request Sample
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "public/get-valuations",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"data": [{
"v": "50776.73000",
"t": 1613547318000
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-INDEX"
Fetches certain valuation type data for a particular instrument.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
instrument_name | string | Y | e.g. BTCUSD-INDEX |
valuation_type | string | Y | List of available types: a. index_price : returns per minute data of underlying reference price of the instrument. b. mark_price : returns per minute data of mark price of the instrument.c. funding_hist : returns hourly data of the funding rate settled in past hourly settlement.d. funding_rate : returns per minute data of current hourly funding rate that will settle at the end of each hour of current 4-hour interval.e. estimated_funding_rate : returns per minute data of estimated funding rate for the next interval. |
count | number | N | Default is 25 |
start_ts | number | N | Default timestamp is 30 days ago for funding_hist , and 1 day ago for other valuation_type (Unix timestamp) |
end_ts | number | N | Default timestamp is current time (Unix timestamp) |
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
instrument_name | string | e.g. BTCUSD-INDEX |
data | array | See below |
consists of:
Name | Type | Description |
v | string | Value |
t | long | Timestamp |
Request Sample
Response Sample
"id": -1,
"method": "public/get-expired-settlement-price",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"data": [{
"i": "BTCUSD-210528m2",
"x": 1622145600000,
"v": "50776.73000",
"t": 1622145540000
"i": "BTCUSD-210528m3",
"x": 1622160000000,
"v": "38545.570000",
"t": 1622159940000
Fetches settlement price of expired instruments.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
instrument_type | string | Y | FUTURE |
page | number | N | Default is 1 |
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
i | string | Instrument name |
x | long | Expiry timestamp (millisecond) |
v | string | Value |
t | long | Timestamp |
Request Sample
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "public/get-insurance",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"data": [{
"v": "50000000",
"t": 1613539503965
"instrument_name": "USD"
Fetches balance of Insurance Fund for a particular currency.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
instrument_name | string | Y | e.g. USD |
count | number | N | Default is 25 |
start_ts | number | N | Default timestamp is 1 day ago (Unix timestamp) |
end_ts | number | N | Default timestamp is current time (Unix timestamp) |
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
instrument_name | string | e.g. USD |
data | array | See below |
consists of:
Name | Type | Description |
v | string | Value |
t | long | Timestamp |
Account Balance and Position API
Request Sample
"method": "private/user-balance",
"params": {},
"nonce": 1611022832613
Response Sample
"id": 11,
"method": "private/user-balance",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"data": [
"total_available_balance": "4721.05898582",
"total_margin_balance": "7595.42571782",
"total_initial_margin": "2874.36673202",
"total_position_im": "486.31273202",
"total_haircut": "2388.054",
"total_maintenance_margin": "1437.18336601",
"total_position_cost": "14517.54641301",
"total_cash_balance": "7890.00320721",
"total_collateral_value": "7651.18811483",
"total_session_unrealized_pnl": "-55.76239701",
"instrument_name": "USD",
"total_session_realized_pnl": "0.00000000",
"is_liquidating": false,
"total_effective_leverage": "1.90401230",
"position_limit": "3000000.00000000",
"used_position_limit": "40674.69622001",
"position_balances": [
"instrument_name": "CRO",
"quantity": "24422.72427884",
"market_value": "4776.107959969951",
"collateral_eligible": "true",
"haircut": "0.5",
"collateral_amount": "4537.302561971453",
"max_withdrawal_balance": "24422.72427884",
"reserved_qty" : "0.00000000"
"instrument_name": "USD",
"quantity": "3113.50747209",
"market_value": "3113.50747209",
"collateral_eligible": "true",
"haircut": "0",
"collateral_amount": "3113.50747209",
"max_withdrawal_balance": "3113.50747209",
"reserved_qty" : "0.00000000"
"instrument_name": "USDT",
"quantity": "0.19411607",
"market_value": "0.19389555414448",
"collateral_eligible": "true",
"haircut": "0.02",
"collateral_amount": "0.18904816529086801",
"max_withdrawal_balance": "0.19411607",
"reserved_qty" : "0.00000000"
"instrument_name": "DAI",
"quantity": "0.19387960",
"market_value": "0.1938796",
"collateral_eligible": "false",
"haircut": "0.975",
"collateral_amount": "0.18903261000000002",
"max_withdrawal_balance": "0.1938796",
"reserved_qty" : "0.00000000"
Returns the user's wallet balance.
Request Params
Note: You still need to pass in an empty params
block like params: {}
for API request consistency
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
An array consisting of:
Name | Type | Description |
instrument_name | string | Instrument name of the balance e.g. USD |
total_available_balance | string | Balance that user can open new order (Margin Balance - Initial Margin) |
total_margin_balance | string | Positive cash balance on eligible collateral tokens + Negative balance on all tokens + Unrealised PnL - Fee reserves |
total_initial_margin | string | Total margin requirement to support positions and all open orders IM and haircut from risk asset holdings Total sum of total_position_im + total_haircut |
total_position_im | string | initial margin requirement to support open positions and orders |
total_haircut | string | the total haircut on eligible collateral token assets |
total_maintenance_margin | string | Total maintenance margin requirement for all positions |
total_position_cost | string | Position value in USD |
total_cash_balance | string | Wallet Balance (Deposits - Withdrawals + Realized PnL - Fees) |
total_collateral_value | string | Collateral Value |
total_session_unrealized_pnl | string | Current unrealized profit and loss from all open positions (calculated with Mark Price and Avg Price) |
total_session_realized_pnl | string | Current realized profit and loss from all open positions (calculated with Mark Price and Avg Price) |
is_liquidating | boolean | Describes whether the account is under liquidation |
total_effective_leverage | string | The actual leverage used (all open positions combined), i.e. position size / margin balance |
position_limit | string | Maximum position size allowed (for all open positions combined) |
used_position_limit | string | Combined position size of all open positions + order exposure on all instruments |
position_balances | array | Collateral balances as shown below |
is an array consisting of:
Name | Type | Description |
instrument_name | string | Instrument name of the collateral e.g. USD , CRO , USDT , or DAI |
quantity | string | Quantity of the collateral |
market_value | string | Market value of the collateral |
collateral_eligible | boolean | true or false |
haircut | string | Show haircut for eligible collateral token |
collateral_amount | string | Collateral amount derived by market_value minus haircut |
max_withdrawal_balance | string | Max withdrawal balance of the collateral |
reserved_qty | string | Fund/balance in use, not available for new orders or additional trading activities. |
Request Sample
"method": "private/user-balance-history",
"params": {}
Response Sample
"id": 11,
"method": "private/user-balance-history",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"instrument_name": "USD",
"data": [
"t": 1629478800000,
"c": "811.621851"
Returns the user's balance history. This call may temporarily have discrepancies with that shown on the GUI.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
timeframe | string | N | H1 means every hour, D1 means every day. Omit for 'D1' |
end_time | number | N | Can be millisecond or nanosecond. Exclusive. If not provided, will be current time. |
limit | int | N | If timeframe is D1 , max limit will be 30 (days). If timeframe is H1 , max limit will be 120 (hours). |
Note: If you omit all parameters, you still need to pass in an empty params
block like params: {}
for API request consistency
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
An array consisting of:
Name | Type | Description |
instrument_name | string | instrument name of the balance e.g. USD |
t | number | timestamp |
c | string | total cash balance |
Request Sample
"id": 12,
"method": "private/get-accounts",
"params": {"page_size": 30,"page": 2},
"nonce": 1587846358253
Response Sample
"id": 12,
"method": "private/get-accounts",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"master_account": {
"uuid": "243d3f39-b193-4eb9-1d60-e98f2fc17707",
"master_account_uuid": "291879ae-b769-4eb3-4d75-3366ebee7dd6",
"margin_account_uuid": "69c9ab41-5b95-4d75-b769-e45f2fc16507",
"enabled": true,
"tradable": true,
"name": "",
"email": "",
"mobile_number": "",
"country_code": "",
"address": "",
"margin_access": "DEFAULT",
"derivatives_access": "DISABLED",
"create_time": 1620962543792,
"update_time": 1622019525960,
"two_fa_enabled": true,
"kyc_level": "ADVANCED",
"suspended": false,
"terminated": false
"sub_account_list": [
"uuid": "243d3f39-b193-4eb9-1d60-e98f2fc17707",
"master_account_uuid": "291879ae-b769-4eb3-4d75-3366ebee7dd6",
"margin_account_uuid": "69c9ab41-5b95-4d75-b769-e45f2fc16507",
"label": "Sub Account",
"enabled": true,
"tradable": true,
"name": "",
"email": "",
"mobile_number": "",
"country_code": "",
"address": "",
"margin_access": "DEFAULT",
"derivatives_access": "DISABLED",
"create_time": 1620962543792,
"update_time": 1622019525960,
"two_fa_enabled": true,
"kyc_level": "ADVANCED",
"suspended": false,
"terminated": false
Get Account and its Sub Accounts
Request Params
By default, the page_size
is 20
and page
is 0
It can be overided in the JSON request: i.e. "page_size": 30, "page": 2
Note: if using default setting, please ensure you keep params: {}
for API request consistency.
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
an object of master_account
, with an array of sub_account_list
, both consisting of:
Name | Type | Description |
uuid | string | Sub account uuid |
master_account_uuid | string | Master account uuid |
margin_account_uuid | string | (optional) Margin account uuid |
label | string | Sub account label |
enabled | boolean | true or false |
tradable | boolean | true or false |
name | string | Name of sub account |
string | Email of sub account | |
mobile_number | string | Mobile number of sub account |
country_code | string | Country Code of sub account |
address | string | Address of sub account |
margin_access | string | DEFAULT or DISABLED |
derivatives_access | string | DEFAULT or DISABLED |
create_time | number | Creation timestamp (milliseconds since the Unix epoch) |
update_time | number | Last update timestamp (milliseconds since the Unix epoch) |
two_fa_enabled | boolean | true or false |
kyc_level | string | Kyc Level |
suspended | boolean | true or false |
terminated | boolean | true or false |
Request Sample
"id": 1234,
"method": "private/create-subaccount-transfer",
"params": {
"from": "12345678-0000-0000-0000-000000000001", // Possible value: the master account UUID, or a sub-account UUID.
"to": "12345678-0000-0000-0000-000000000002", // Possible value: the master account UUID, or a sub-account UUID.
"currency": "CRO",
"amount": "500"
"nonce": 1587846358253
Response sample
Transfer between subaccounts (and master account).
Request params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
from | string | Y | Account UUID to be debited |
to | string | Y | Account UUID to be credit |
currency | string | Y | Currency symbol |
amount | string | Y | Amount to transfer - must a be positive number |
Applies To
Response attributes
Name | Type | Description |
code | number | 0 for successful transfer (NO_ERROR) else the error code |
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/get-subaccount-balances",
"params": {},
"nonce": 1
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/get-subaccount-balances",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"data": [
// Sub account with no balance
"account": "a0d206a1-6b06-47c5-9cd3-8bc6ef0915c5",
"instrument_name": "USD",
"total_available_balance": "0.00000000",
"total_margin_balance": "0.00000000",
"total_initial_margin": "0.00000000",
"total_maintenance_margin": "0.00000000",
"total_position_cost": "0.00000000",
"total_cash_balance": "0.00000000",
"total_collateral_value": "0.00000000",
"total_session_unrealized_pnl": "0.00000000",
"total_session_realized_pnl": "0.00000000",
"total_effective_leverage": "0.00000000",
"position_limit": "3000000.00000000",
"used_position_limit": "0.00000000",
"is_liquidating": false,
"position_balances": [ ]
// Sub account with balance
"account": "49786818-6ead-40c4-a008-ea6b0fa5cf96",
"instrument_name": "USD",
"total_available_balance": "20823.62250000",
"total_margin_balance": "20823.62250000",
"total_initial_margin": "0.00000000",
"total_maintenance_margin": "0.00000000",
"total_position_cost": "0.00000000",
"total_cash_balance": "21919.55000000",
"total_collateral_value": "20823.62250000",
"total_session_unrealized_pnl": "0.00000000",
"total_session_realized_pnl": "0.00000000",
"total_effective_leverage": "0.00000000",
"position_limit": "3000000.00000000",
"used_position_limit": "0.00000000",
"is_liquidating": false,
"position_balances": [
"instrument_name": "BTC",
"quantity": "1.0000000000",
"market_value": "21918.5500000000",
"collateral_eligible": "true",
"haircut": "0.5500000000",
"collateral_amount": "21918.0000000000",
"max_withdrawal_balance": "1.0000000000"
"instrument_name": "USD",
"quantity": "1.00000000",
"market_value": "1.00000000",
"collateral_eligible": "true",
"haircut": "0.10000000",
"collateral_amount": "0.90000000",
"max_withdrawal_balance": "0.00000000"
"account": "507d3f7d-37c3-4a09-9076-b83c2fcbb638",
"total_available_balance": "20922.62250000",
"total_margin_balance": "20922.62250000",
"total_initial_margin": "0.00000000",
"total_maintenance_margin": "0.00000000",
"total_position_cost": "0.00000000",
"total_cash_balance": "22018.55000000",
"total_collateral_value": "20922.62250000",
"total_session_unrealized_pnl": "0.00000000",
"instrument_name": "USD",
"total_session_realized_pnl": "0.00000000",
"total_effective_leverage": "0.00000000",
"position_limit": "3000000.00000000",
"used_position_limit": "0.00000000",
"is_liquidating": false,
"position_balances": [
"instrument_name": "BTC",
"quantity": "1.0000000000",
"market_value": "21918.5500000000",
"collateral_eligible": "true",
"haircut": "0.5500000000",
"collateral_amount": "21918.0000000000",
"max_withdrawal_balance": "1.0000000000"
"instrument_name": "USD",
"quantity": "100.00000000",
"market_value": "100.00000000",
"collateral_eligible": "true",
"haircut": "1.00000000",
"collateral_amount": "99.00000000",
"max_withdrawal_balance": "0.00000000"
Returns the user's wallet balances of all sub-accounts.
Request Params
Note: You still need to pass in an empty params
block like params: {}
for API request consistency
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
An array consisting of:
Name | Type | Description |
account | string | Sub account ID |
instrument_name | string | Instrument name of the balance e.g. USD |
total_available_balance | string | Balance that user can open new order (Margin Balance - Initial Margin) |
total_margin_balance | string | Positive cash balance on eligible collateral tokens + Negative balance on all tokens + Unrealised PnL - Fee reserves |
total_initial_margin | string | Total margin requirement to support positions and all open orders IM and haircut from risk asset holdings |
total_maintenance_margin | string | Total maintenance margin requirement for all positions |
total_position_cost | string | Position value in USD |
total_cash_balance | string | Wallet Balance (Deposits - Withdrawals + Realized PnL - Fees) |
total_collateral_value | string | Collateral Value |
total_session_unrealized_pnl | string | Current unrealized profit and loss from all open positions (calculated with Mark Price and Avg Price) |
total_session_realized_pnl | string | Current realized profit and loss from all open positions (calculated with Mark Price and Avg Price) |
is_liquidating | boolean | Describes whether the account is under liquidation |
total_effective_leverage | string | The actual leverage used (all open positions combined), i.e. position size / margin balance |
position_limit | string | Maximum position size allowed (for all open positions combined) |
used_position_limit | string | Combined position size of all open positions + order exposure on all instruments |
position_balances | array | Collateral balances as shown below |
is an array consisting of:
Name | Type | Description |
instrument_name | string | Instrument name of the collateral e.g. USD , CRO , USDT , or DAI |
quantity | string | Quantity of the collateral |
market_value | string | Market value of the collateral |
collateral_eligible | boolean | true or false |
haircut | string | Show haircut for eligible collateral token |
collateral_amount | string | Collateral amount derived by market_value minus haircut |
max_withdrawal_balance | string | Max withdrawal balance of the collateral |
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/get-positions",
"params": {},
"nonce": 1611022832613
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/get-positions",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"data": [{
"account_id": "858dbc8b-22fd-49fa-bff4-d342d98a8acb",
"quantity": "-0.1984",
"cost": "-10159.573500",
"open_position_pnl": "-497.743736",
"open_pos_cost": "-10159.352200",
"session_pnl": "2.236145",
"update_timestamp_ms": 1613552240770,
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP",
Returns the user's position.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
instrument_name | string | N | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
Note: If you omit all parameters, you still need to pass in an empty params
block like params: {}
for API request consistency
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
An array consisting of:
Name | Type | Description |
instrument_name | string | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
type | string | e.g. Perpetual Swap |
quantity | string | Position quantity |
cost | string | Position cost or value in USD |
open_position_pnl | string | Profit and loss for the open position |
open_pos_cost | string | Open position cost |
session_pnl | string | Profit and loss in the current trading session |
update_timestamp_ms | number | Updated time (Unix timestamp) |
Trading API
History will be stored for recent 6 months record only. For records over 6 months, please contact our support team.
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"nonce" : 1610905028000,
"method": "private/create-order",
"params": {
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP",
"side": "SELL",
"type": "LIMIT",
"price": "50000.5",
"quantity": "1",
"client_oid": "c5f682ed-7108-4f1c-b755-972fcdca0f02",
"exec_inst": ["POST_ONLY"],
"time_in_force": "FILL_OR_KILL"
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/create-order",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"client_oid": "c5f682ed-7108-4f1c-b755-972fcdca0f02",
"order_id": "18342311"
Creates a new BUY or SELL Order on the Exchange.
This call is asynchronous, so the response is simply a confirmation of the request.
The user.order
subscription can be used to check when the order is successfully created.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
instrument_name | string | Y | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
side | string | Y | BUY , SELL |
price | string | Y | Price |
quantity | string | Y | Order Quantity |
notional | number | Depends | For MARKET (BUY), STOP_LOSS (BUY), TAKE_PROFIT (BUY) orders only: Amount to spend |
client_oid | string | N | Client Order ID (Maximum 36 characters) |
exec_inst | array of string | N | POST_ONLY |
time_in_force | string | N | GOOD_TILL_CANCEL , IMMEDIATE_OR_CANCEL , FILL_OR_KILL When exec_inst contains POST_ONLY , time_in_force can only be GOOD_TILL_CANCEL |
ref_price | string | N* | Trigger price required for STOP_LOSS , STOP_LIMIT , TAKE_PROFIT , TAKE_PROFIT_LIMIT order type |
ref_price_type | string | N | which price to use for ref_price: MARK_PRICE (default), INDEX_PRICE , LAST_PRICE |
spot_margin | string | N | SPOT : non-margin order, MARGIN : margin order |
stp_scope | string | N | Optional Field Possible Values - M: Matches Master or Sub a/c - S: Matches Sub a/c only Note: orderbook-specific settings takes higher precedence. |
stp_inst | string | N* | Mandatory if stp_scope is set. Possible Values - M: Cancel Maker - T: Cancel Taker - B: Cancel Both Maker and Taker |
stp_id | string of number | N* | Optional Field Possible Value: 0 to 32767 Default Value - If stp_scope & stp_inst are not specified, REJECT - If stp_scope is specified, default value = 0. Note: orderbook-specific settings takes higher precedence. |
fee_instrument_name | string | N | Specify the preferred fee token. Valid Values: [SPOT] Buy - Base/Quote token/USD/USDT/EUR [SPOT] Sell - Quote token/USD/USDT/EUR [DERIV] Buy/Sell - USD/USDT/EUR Example: If a client would like to BUY CRO/BTC, the default fee token is CRO, valid tokens are CRO/BTC/USD/USDT/EUR. If a client would like to SELL CRO/BTC, the default fee token is BTC, valid tokens are BTC/USD/USDT/EUR. If a client would like to BUY/SELL BTCUSD-PERP, the default fee token is USD, valid tokens are USD/USDT/EUR. If a client has an insufficient balance in their preferred fee token, the system will switch to the default fee token. |
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
order_id | string of number | Newly created order ID |
client_oid | string | If a Client Order ID was provided in the request, otherwise, will be the nonce in the request. As nonce can be the same among orders, it is recommened to specify client_oid . |
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"nonce" : 1610905028000,
"method": "private/cancel-order",
"params": {
"order_id": "18342311"
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/cancel-order",
"code": 0,
"message": "NO_ERROR",
"result": {
"client_oid": "c5f682ed-7108-4f1c-b755-972fcdca0f02",
"order_id": "18342311"
Cancels an existing order on the Exchange (asynchronous).
This call is asynchronous, so the response is simply a confirmation of the request.
The user.order
subscription can be used to check when the order is successfully canceled.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
order_id | number or string of number | Depends | Optional Order ID Either order_id or client_oid must be present string format is highly recommended. |
client_oid | string | Depends | Optional Client Order ID Either order_id or client_oid must be present |
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
order_id | string of number | Order ID |
client_oid | string | Client Order ID |
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"nonce": 1611169184000,
"method": "private/cancel-all-orders",
"params": {
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP"
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/cancel-all-orders",
"code": 0
Cancels all orders for a particular instrument/pair (asynchronous).
This call is asynchronous, so the response is simply a confirmation of the request.
The user.order
subscription can be used to check when the order is successfully canceled.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
instrument_name | string | N | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP. If not provided, the orders of ALL instruments will be canceled |
type | string | N | e.g. LIMIT , TRIGGER , ALL |
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
No result block is returned. The code (0 = success) is the primary indicator that the request is queued.
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"nonce" : 1610905028000,
"method": "private/close-position",
"params": {
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP",
"type": "LIMIT",
"price": "30000.0"
"id": 1,
"nonce" : 1610905028000,
"method": "private/close-position",
"params": {
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP",
"type": "MARKET"
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/close-position",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"client_oid": "1684d6e4-2c55-64e1-52c3-3aa9febc3a23",
"order_id": "15744"
Cancels position for a particular instrument/pair (asynchronous).
This call is asynchronous, so the response is simply a confirmation of the request.
The user.order
subscription can be used to check when the order is successfully canceled.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
instrument_name | string | Y | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
type | string | Y | LIMIT or MARKET |
price | string | Depends | For LIMIT orders only |
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
The code (0 = success) is the primary indicator that the request is queued.
Name | Type | Description |
order_id | string of number | Order ID |
client_oid | string | Client Order ID |
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/get-open-orders",
"params": {
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP"
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/get-open-orders",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"data": [{
"account_id": "52e7c00f-1324-5a6z-bfgt-de445bde21a5",
"order_id": "19848525",
"client_oid": "1613571154900",
"order_type": "LIMIT",
"time_in_force": "GOOD_TILL_CANCEL",
"side": "BUY",
"exec_inst": [],
"quantity": "0.0100",
"limit_price": "50000.0",
"order_value": "500.000000",
"maker_fee_rate": "0.000250",
"taker_fee_rate": "0.000400",
"avg_price": "0.0",
"cumulative_quantity": "0.0000",
"cumulative_value": "0.000000",
"cumulative_fee": "0.000000",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"update_user_id": "fd797356-55db-48c2-a44d-157aabf702e8",
"order_date": "2021-02-17",
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP",
"fee_instrument_name": "USD",
"create_time": 1613575617173,
"create_time_ns": "1613575617173123456",
"update_time": 1613575617173
Gets all open orders for a particular instrument.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
instrument_name | string | N | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP. Omit for 'all' |
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
An array, consisting of:
Name | Type | Description |
account_id | string | Account ID |
order_id | string of number | Order ID |
client_oid | string | Client Order ID |
time_in_force | string | - GOOD_TILL_CANCEL - IMMEDIATE_OR_CANCEL - FILL_OR_KILL |
side | string | BUY or SELL |
exec_inst | array | - POST_ONLY - LIQUIDATION |
quantity | string | Quantity specified in the order |
limit_price | string | Limit price specified in the order |
order_value | string | Order value |
maker_fee_rate | string | User's maker fee rate |
taker_fee_rate | string | User's taker fee rate |
avg_price | string | Average price |
cumulative_quantity | string | Cumulative executed quantity |
cumulative_value | string | Cumulative executed value |
cumulative_fee | string | Cumulative executed fee |
status | string | Order status: - NEW - PENDING - ACTIVE |
update_user_id | string | Updated user |
order_date | string | Order creation date |
create_time | number | Order creation timestamp |
create_time_ns | string | Order creation timestamp (nanosecond) |
update_time | number | Order update timestamp |
instrument_name | string | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
fee_instrument_name | string | Currency used for the fees |
Note: To detect a 'partial filled' status, look for status
and cumulative_quantity
> 0.
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/get-order-detail",
"params": {
"order_id": "19848525"
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/get-order-detail",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"account_id": "52e7c00f-1324-5a6z-bfgt-de445bde21a5",
"order_id": "19848525",
"client_oid": "1613571154900",
"order_type": "LIMIT",
"time_in_force": "GOOD_TILL_CANCEL",
"side": "BUY",
"exec_inst": [],
"quantity": "0.0100",
"limit_price": "50000.0",
"order_value": "500.000000",
"maker_fee_rate": "0.000250",
"taker_fee_rate": "0.000400",
"avg_price": "0.0",
"cumulative_quantity": "0.0000",
"cumulative_value": "0.000000",
"cumulative_fee": "0.000000",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"update_user_id": "fd797356-55db-48c2-a44d-157aabf702e8",
"order_date": "2021-02-17",
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP",
"fee_instrument_name": "USD",
"reason": 43012,
"create_time": 1613575617173,
"create_time_ns": "1613575617173123456",
"update_time": 1613575617173
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
order_id | number or string of number | N | Order ID. string format is highly recommended, especially for JavaScript client. If not provided, client_oid must be specified. |
client_oid | string | N | Client Order ID. If not provided, order_id must be specified. |
Note: Either order_id
or client_oid
must be specified.
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
An array, consisting of:
Name | Type | Description |
account_id | string | Account ID |
order_id | string of number | Order ID |
client_oid | string | Client Order ID |
time_in_force | string | - GOOD_TILL_CANCEL - IMMEDIATE_OR_CANCEL - FILL_OR_KILL |
side | string | BUY or SELL |
exec_inst | array | - POST_ONLY - LIQUIDATION |
quantity | string | Quantity specified in the order |
limit_price | string | Limit price specified in the order |
order_value | string | Order value |
maker_fee_rate | string | User's maker fee rate |
taker_fee_rate | string | User's taker fee rate |
avg_price | string | Average price |
cumulative_quantity | string | Cumulative executed quantity |
cumulative_value | string | Cumulative executed value |
cumulative_fee | string | Cumulative executed fee |
status | string | Order status: - REJECTED - CANCELED - FILLED - EXPIRED |
update_user_id | string | Updated user |
order_date | string | Order creation date |
create_time | number | Order creation timestamp |
create_time_ns | string | Order creation timestamp (nanosecond) |
update_time | number | Order update timestamp |
instrument_name | string | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
fee_instrument_name | string | Currency used for the fees |
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/change-account-leverage",
"params": {
"account_id": "52e7c00f-1324-5a6z-bfgt-de445bde21a5",
"leverage": 10
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/change-account-leverage",
"code": 0
Changes the maximum leverage used by the account. Please note, each instrument has its own maximum leverage. Whichever leverage (account or instrument) is lower will be used.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
account_id | string | Y | account ID to change the leverage. Must be currently the logged user's account |
leverage | number | Y | maximum leverage to be used for the account. Valid values are between 1-100 (inclusive) |
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
code | number | error code or 0 if no error |
message | string | text description of the error code if non-zero code returned |
Request Sample
"id": 696,
"method": "private/change-account-settings",
"api_key": "00000009-1111-1111-1111-000000000000",
"params": {
"stp_scope": "S",
"stp_id": "100",
"stp_inst": "M"
"nonce": 1721989111722
Response Sample
"id": 696,
"method": "private/change-account-settings",
"code": 0
Change the account STP settings.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
stp_scope | string | N | Optional Field Possible Values M: Matches Master or Sub a/c S: Matches Sub a/c only |
stp_inst | number | N | Mandatory if stp_scope is set. Possible Values M: Cancel Maker T: Cancel Taker B: Cancel Both Maker and Taker |
stp_id | string of number | N | Optional Field: Possible Value: 0 to 32767 Default Value If stp_scope & stp_inst are not specified, REJECT If stp_scope is specified, default value = 0. |
leverage | number | N | Maximum leverage user intends to set for the account. Valid values are between 1-50 (inclusive). When account effective leverage exceeds this, further risk increasing orders will be rejected |
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
code | number | 0 for successful changes |
Applies To
REST Method
Request Sample
"id": 697,
"method": "private/get-account-settings",
"api_key": "00000009-1111-1111-1111-000000000000",
"params": {},
"nonce": 1721989202781
Response Sample
"id": 697,
"method": "private/get-account-settings",
"code": 0,
"result": [
"leverage": 20,
"stp_id": 100,
"stp_scope": "S",
"stp_inst": "M"
Get the STP account settings.
Request Params
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
code | number | 0 for successful changes |
result -> leverage | number | The max leverage user set on the account. When account effective leverage exceeds this, further risk increasing orders will be rejected |
result -> stp_id | number | Optional Field Possible Value: 0 to 32767 Default Value - If stp_scope & stp_inst are not specified, REJECT - If stp_scope is specified, default value = 0. Note: orderbook-specific settings takes higher precedence. |
result -> stp_scope | string | Optional Field Possible Values - M: Matches Master or Sub a/c - S: Matches Sub a/c only Note: orderbook-specific settings takes higher precedence. |
result -> stp_inst | string | Possible Values - M: Cancel Maker - T: Cancel Taker - B: Cancel Both Maker and Taker |
Applies To
REST Method
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "/private/get-fee-rate",
"params": {},
"nonce": 1721989202781
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "/private/get-fee-rate",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"spot_tier": "3",
"deriv_tier": "3",
"effective_spot_maker_rate_bps": "6.5",
"effective_spot_taker_rate_bps": "6.9",
"effective_deriv_maker_rate_bps": "1.1",
"effective_deriv_taker_rate_bps": "3"
Get fee rates for user’s account.
Request Params
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Required | Description |
spot_tier | string | Y | 30day spot trading volume tier |
deriv_tier | string | Y | 30day deriv trading volume tier |
effective_spot_maker_rate_bps | string | Y | 30day spot maker rate in bps |
effective_spot_taker_rate_bps | string | Y | 30day spot taker rate in bps |
effective_deriv_maker_rate_bps | string | Y | 30day deriv maker rate in bps |
effective_deriv_taker_rate_bps | string | Y | 30day deriv taker rate in bps |
Applies To
REST Method
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"nonce" : 1610905028000,
"method": "private/get-instrument-fee-rate",
"params": {
"instrument_name": "BTC_USD"
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/get-instrument-fee-rate",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"instrument_name": "BTC_USD",
"effective_maker_rate_bps": "6.5",
"effective_taker_rate_bps": "6.9"
Get the instrument fee rate.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
instrument_name | string | Y | e.g. BTC_USD, BTCUSD-PERP |
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Required | Description |
instrument_name | string | Y | e.g. BTC_USD |
effective_maker_rate_bps | string | Y | maker rate in bps |
effective_taker_rate_bps | string | Y | taker rate in bps |
Applies To
REST Method
Advanced Order Management API
private/create-order (Conditional Order)
Conditional Orders automatically place a mark or limit order when the mark price reaches a trigger price specified by the user. If the mark price reaches or exceeds the trigger price, the Stop-Loss/Take-Profit order will be converted to a live order and placed in the order book. If the mark price does not reach the trigger price, the Stop-Loss/Take-Profit order will remain active until it is canceled or triggered.
See private/create-order and the type
parameter for more information.
private/create-order-list (LIST)
Request Sample
// Create List of Orders example
"id": 12,
"method": "private/create-order-list",
"params": {
"contingency_type": "LIST",
"order_list": [
"instrument_name": "ETH_CRO",
"side": "BUY",
"type": "LIMIT",
"price": "5799",
"quantity": "1",
"client_oid": "my_order_0001",
"time_in_force": "GOOD_TILL_CANCEL",
"exec_inst": "POST_ONLY"
"instrument_name": "ETH_CRO",
"side": "BUY",
"type": "LIMIT",
"price": "5780",
"quantity": "1",
"client_oid": "my_order_0002",
"time_in_force": "GOOD_TILL_CANCEL",
"exec_inst": ["POST_ONLY"]
"nonce": 1637891379231
> Response Sample
// Create List of Orders - All ok
"id": 12,
"method": "private/create-order-list",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"result_list": [
"index": 0,
"code": 0,
"order_id": "2015106383706015873",
"client_oid": "my_order_0001"
"index": 1,
"code": 0,
"order_id": "2015119459882149857",
"client_oid": "my_order_0002"
// Create List of Orders - Some rejected
"id": 12,
"method": "private/create-order-list",
"code": 10001,
"result": {
"result_list": [
"index": 0,
"code": 0,
"order_id": "2015106383706015873",
"client_oid": "my_order_0001"
"index": 1,
"code": 20007,
"message": "INVALID_REQUEST",
"client_oid": "my_order_0002"
Create a list of orders on the Exchange.
must be LIST
, for list of orders creation.
This call is asynchronous, so the response is simply a confirmation of the request.
The user.order
subscription can be used to check if the orders are successfully created.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
contingency_type | string | Y | LIST |
order_list | array of orders | Y | LIST : 1-10 orders |
Content of each order in order_list
Name | Type | Required | Description |
instrument_name | string | Y | e.g., ETH_CRO, BTC_USDT |
side | string | Y | BUY, SELL |
price | number | Depends | For LIMIT and STOP_LIMIT orders only: Unit price |
quantity | number | Depends | For LIMIT Orders, MARKET, STOP_LOSS, TAKE_PROFIT orders only: Order Quantity to be Sold |
notional | number | Depends | For MARKET (BUY), STOP_LOSS (BUY), TAKE_PROFIT (BUY) orders only: Amount to spend |
client_oid | string | N | Optional Client order ID (Maximum 36 characters) |
time_in_force | string | N | (Limit Orders Only) Options are: - GOOD_TILL_CANCEL (Default if unspecified)- FILL_OR_KILL - IMMEDIATE_OR_CANCEL |
exec_inst | array | N | (Limit Orders Only) Options are: - POST_ONLY - Or leave empty |
trigger_price | number | N | Used with STOP_LOSS, STOP_LIMIT, TAKE_PROFIT, and TAKE_PROFIT_LIMIT orders. Dictates when order will be triggered |
stp_scope | string | N | Optional Field Possible Values - M: Matches Master or Sub a/c - S: Matches Sub a/c only Note: orderbook-specific settings takes higher precedence. |
stp_inst | string | N* | Mandatory if stp_scope is set. Possible Values - M: Cancel Maker - T: Cancel Taker - B: Cancel Both Maker and Taker |
stp_id | string of number | N* | Optional Field Possible Value: 0 to 32767 Default Value - If stp_scope & stp_inst are not specified, REJECT - If stp_scope is specified, default value = 0. Note: orderbook-specific settings takes higher precedence. |
fee_instrument_name | string | N | Specify the preferred fee token. Valid Values: [SPOT] Buy - Base/Quote CCY/USD/USDT [SPOT] Sell - Quote CCY/USD/USDT [DERIV] Buy/Sell - USD/USDT Example: If a client would like to BUY CRO/BTC, the default fee token is CRO, valid currencies are CRO/BTC/USD/USDT. If a client would like to SELL CRO/BTC, the default fee token is BTC, valid currencies are BTC/USD/USDT. If a client would like to BUY/SELL BTCUSD-PERP, the default fee token is USD, valid currencies are USD/USDT. If a client has an insufficient balance in their preferred fee token, the system will switch to the default fee token. |
Here are the mandatory parameters based on order type
Type | Side | Additional Mandatory Parameters |
LIMIT | Both | quantity, price |
MARKET | BUY | notional or quantity, mutually exclusive |
MARKET | SELL | quantity |
STOP_LIMIT | Both | price, quantity, trigger_price |
TAKE_PROFIT_LIMIT | Both | price, quantity, trigger_price |
STOP_LOSS | BUY | notional, trigger_price |
STOP_LOSS | SELL | quantity, trigger_price |
TAKE_PROFIT | BUY | notional, trigger_price |
TAKE_PROFIT | SELL | quantity, trigger_price |
Contingency Type:
Type | Description |
LIST | Create a list of orders |
Helpful information:
will execute a LIMIT order when the trigger_price is reached.STOP_LOSS
will execute a MARKET order when the trigger_price is reached.
To create trigger orders against market price:
below market price: SELLSTOP_LOSS
above market price: BUYSTOP_LOSS
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
result_list | array of results | List of order creation result |
Content of each order in result_list
Name | Type | Description |
index | number | The index of corresponding order request (Start from 0) |
code | number | 0 if success |
message | string | (Optional) For server or error messages |
order_id | number | Newly created order ID |
client_oid | string | (Optional) if a Client order ID was provided in the request. (Maximum 36 characters) |
private/cancel-order-list (LIST)
Request Sample
// Cancel List of Orders example
"id": 13,
"method": "private/cancel-order-list",
"params": {
"contingency_type": "LIST",
"order_list": [
"instrument_name": "ETH_CRO",
"order_id": "2015106383706015873"
"instrument_name": "ETH_CRO",
"order_id": "2015119459882149857"
"nonce": 1587846358253
Response Sample
// Cancel List of Orders - All ok
"id": 13,
"method": "private/cancel-order-list",
"result": {
"result_list": [
"index": 0,
"code": 0,
"index": 1,
"code": 0,
// Cancel List of Orders - Error encountered
"id": 13,
"method": "private/cancel-order-list",
"code": 10001,
"result": {
"order_list": [
"index": 0,
"code": 0,
"index": 1,
"code": 20007,
"message": "INVALID_REQUEST"
Cancel a list of orders on the Exchange.
This call is asynchronous, so the response is simply a confirmation of the request.
The user.order
subscription can be used to check when each of the orders is successfully cancelled.
Request Params (List of Orders)
Name | Type | Required | Description |
order_list | array of orders | Y | For non contingency orders, A list of orders to be cancelled |
instrument_name | string | N | Instrument name of contingency order, e.g., ETH_CRO, BTC_USDT |
contingency_type | string | Y | Must be value "LIST" |
Content of each order in order_list
Name | Type | Required | Description |
instrument_name | string | Y | instrument_name, e.g., ETH_CRO, BTC_USDT |
order_id | string | Y | Order ID |
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes (List of Orders)
A result_list
will be received:
Name | Type | Description |
result_list | array of results | List of order cancellation result |
Content of each order in result_list
Name | Type | Description |
index | number | The index of corresponding order request (Start from 0) |
code | number | 0 if success |
message | string | (Optional) For server or error messages |
private/create-order-list (OCO)
Request Example
Response Example
"id" : 1661331443,
"method" : "private/create-order-list",
"code" : 0,
"result" : {
"list_id" : 6498090546073120100
Creates a One-Cancel-the-Other (OCO) order on the Exchange.
OCO Order allows users to place two orders at the same time. Users are able to place a limit order with a stop order, and only one of them will be executed. When either one of the above orders is executed, the other is automatically canceled. This allows users to take a profit while minimizing potential loss. The OCO order type is available for Spot trading pairs and Futures and Perpetual contracts only.
This call is asynchronous, so the response is simply a confirmation of the request.
The user.order
subscription can be used to check if the orders are successfully created.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
contingency_type | string | Y | OCO |
order_list | array of orders | Y | Exactly 2 orders |
For the content of each order in order_list
, please refer to private/create-order
for details.
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
list_id | number | List ID |
private/cancel-order-list (OCO)
Request Example
Response Example
"id" : 1661328073,
"method" : "private/cancel-order-list",
"code" : 0
Cancel a contingency order on the Exchange.
This call is asynchronous, so the response is simply a confirmation of the request.
The user.order
subscription can be used to check when each of the orders is successfully cancelled.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
contingency_type | string | Y | OCO |
list_id | string | Y | List ID |
instrument_name | string | Y | Instrument Name |
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
No result block is returned. The code (0 = success) is the primary indicator that the request is queued.
private/get-order-list (OCO)
Request Example
Response Example
Gets the details of an outstanding (not executed) contingency order on Exchange.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
contingency_type | string | Y | OCO |
list_id | string | Y | ID of the contingency order |
instrument_name | string | Y | instrument_name of the contingency order, e.g. ETH_CRO, BTC_USDT. |
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
List of order in the field data
. For content of data
, please refer to private/get-open-orders
for details
Order, Trade, Transaction History API
History will be stored for recent 6 months record only. For records over 6 months, please contact our support team.
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/get-order-history",
"params": {
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP",
"start_time": 1610905028000081486,
"end_time": 1613570791058211357,
"limit": 20
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/get-order-history",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"data": [{
"account_id": "52e7c00f-1324-5a6z-bfgt-de445bde21a5",
"order_id": "18342311",
"client_oid": "1613571154795",
"order_type": "LIMIT",
"time_in_force": "GOOD_TILL_CANCEL",
"side": "BUY",
"exec_inst": [],
"quantity": "0.0001",
"limit_price": "51000.0",
"order_value": "3.900100",
"maker_fee_rate": "0.000250",
"taker_fee_rate": "0.000400",
"avg_price": "0.0",
"cumulative_quantity": "0.0000",
"cumulative_value": "0.000000",
"cumulative_fee": "0.000000",
"status": "CANCELED",
"update_user_id": "fd797356-55db-48c2-a44d-157aabf702e8",
"order_date": "2021-02-17",
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP",
"fee_instrument_name": "USD",
"create_time": 1610905028000,
"create_time_ns": "1610905028000123456",
"update_time": 1613571320251
"account_id": "52e7c00f-1324-5a6z-bfgt-de445bde21a5",
"order_id": "18342500",
"client_oid": "1613571154800",
"order_type": "LIMIT",
"time_in_force": "GOOD_TILL_CANCEL",
"side": "BUY",
"exec_inst": [],
"quantity": "0.0500",
"limit_price": "51283.0",
"order_value": "2564.150000",
"maker_fee_rate": "0.000250",
"taker_fee_rate": "0.000400",
"avg_price": "51278.5",
"cumulative_quantity": "0.0500",
"cumulative_value": "2563.925000",
"cumulative_fee": "1.025570",
"status": "FILLED",
"update_user_id": "fd797356-55db-48c2-a44d-157aabf702e8",
"order_date": "2021-02-17",
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP",
"fee_instrument_name": "USD",
"reason": 43012,
"create_time": 1613570791059,
"create_time_ns": "1613570791059123456",
"update_time": 1613570791060
Gets the order history for a particular instrument.
Users should use user.order
to keep track of real-time order updates, and private/get-order-history
should primarily be used for recovery; typically when the websocket is disconnected.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
instrument_name | string | N | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP. Omit for 'all' |
start_time | number or string | N | Start time in Unix time format (inclusive ).Default: end_time - 1 day .Nanosecond is recommended for accurate pagination |
end_time | number or string | N | End time in Unix time format (exclusive )Default: current system timestamp. Nanosecond is recommended for accurate pagination |
limit | int | N | The maximum number of trades to be retrieved before the end_time .Default: 100. Max: 100. |
Note: If you omit all parameters, you still need to pass in an empty params
block like params: {}
for API request consistency
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
An array, consisting of:
Name | Type | Description |
account_id | string | Account ID |
order_id | string of number | Order ID |
client_oid | string | Client Order ID |
time_in_force | string | - GOOD_TILL_CANCEL - IMMEDIATE_OR_CANCEL - FILL_OR_KILL |
side | string | BUY or SELL |
exec_inst | array | - POST_ONLY - LIQUIDATION |
quantity | string | Quantity specified in the order |
limit_price | string | Limit price specified in the order |
order_value | string | Order value |
maker_fee_rate | string | User's maker fee rate |
taker_fee_rate | string | User's taker fee rate |
avg_price | string | Average price |
cumulative_quantity | string | Cumulative executed quantity |
cumulative_value | string | Cumulative executed value |
cumulative_fee | string | Cumulative executed fee |
status | string | Order status: - REJECTED - CANCELED - FILLED - EXPIRED |
update_user_id | string | Updated user |
order_date | string | Order creation date |
create_time | number | Order creation timestamp |
create_time_ns | string | Order creation timestamp (nanosecond) |
update_time | number | Order update timestamp |
instrument_name | string | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
fee_instrument_name | string | Currency used for the fees |
Note: Please note PENDING
can only be found in private/get-open-orders
REST endpoint or user.order
WebSocket subscription.
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/get-trades",
"params": {
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP",
"start_time": "1619089031996081486",
"end_time": "1619200052124211357",
"limit": 20
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/get-trades",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"data": [{
"account_id": "52e7c00f-1324-5a6z-bfgt-de445bde21a5",
"event_date": "2021-02-17",
"journal_type": "TRADING",
"traded_quantity": "0.0500",
"traded_price": "51278.5",
"fees": "-1.025570",
"order_id": "19708564",
"trade_id": "38554669",
"trade_match_id": "76423",
"client_oid": "7665b001-2753-4d17-b266-61ecb755922d",
"taker_side": "MAKER",
"side": "BUY",
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP",
"fee_instrument_name": "USD",
"create_time": 1613570791060,
"create_time_ns": "1613570791060827635",
"transact_time_ns": "1613570791060827635",
"match_count": "1",
"match_index": "0"
Gets all executed trades for a particular instrument.
Users should use
to keep track of real-time trades, and private/get-trades
should primarily be used for recovery; typically when the websocket is disconnected.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
instrument_name | string | N | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP. Omit for 'all' |
start_time | number or string | N | Start time in Unix time format (inclusive ).Default: end_time - 1 day .Nanosecond is recommended for accurate pagination |
end_time | number or string | N | End time in Unix time format (exclusive )Default: current system timestamp. Nanosecond is recommended for accurate pagination |
limit | int | N | The maximum number of trades to be retrievd before the end_time .Default: 100. Max: 100. |
Note: If you omit all parameters, you still need to pass in an empty params
block like params: {}
for API request consistency
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
An array, consisting of:
Name | Type | Description |
account_id | string | Account ID |
event_date | string | Event date |
journal_type | string | Journal type would be TRADING |
traded_quantity | string | Trade quantity |
traded_price | string | Trade price |
fees | string | Trade fees, the negative sign means a deduction on balance |
order_id | string of number | Order ID |
trade_id | string of number | Trade ID |
trade_match_id | string of number | Trade match ID |
client_oid | string | Client Order ID |
taker_side | string | MAKER or TAKER or empty |
side | string | BUY or SELL |
instrument_name | string | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
fee_instrument_name | string | e.g. USD |
create_time | number | Create timestamp in milliseconds |
create_time_ns | string | Create timestamp in nanoseconds |
transact_time_ns | string | Trade transaction time in nanseconds |
match_count | string of number | (Optional) Number of orders matched for this trade execution If it is Maker's Order, value is always 1 If it is Taker's Order, it is the number of orders matched for this trade execution |
match_index | string of number | (Optional) Only appears if it is Maker's order. It represents which order entry of corresponding price level was matched This value is 0 base. If the matched order is on the top of the queue, it is shown 0. |
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/get-transactions",
"params": {
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP",
"start_time": "1619089031996081486",
"end_time": "1619200052124211357",
"limit": 20
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/get-transactions",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"data": [
"account_id": "88888888-8888-8888-8888-000000000123",
"event_date": "2021-02-18",
"journal_type": "TRADING",
"journal_id": "187078",
"transaction_qty": "-0.0005",
"transaction_cost": "-24.500000",
"realized_pnl": "-0.006125",
"order_id": "72062",
"trade_id": "71497",
"trade_match_id": "8625",
"event_timestamp_ms": 1613640752166,
"event_timestamp_ns": "1613640752166234567",
"client_oid": "6ac2421d-5078-4ef6-a9d5-9680602ce123",
"taker_side": "MAKER",
"side": "SELL",
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP"
"account_id": "88888888-8888-8888-8888-000000000123",
"event_date": "2021-02-18",
"journal_type": "SESSION_SETTLE",
"journal_id": "186959",
"transaction_qty": "0",
"transaction_cost": "0.000000",
"realized_pnl": "-0.007800",
"trade_match_id": "0",
"event_timestamp_ms": 1613638800001,
"event_timestamp_ns": "1613638800001124563",
"client_oid": "",
"taker_side": "",
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP"
Fetches recent transactions
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
instrument_name | string | N | e.g. instrument_name, e.g. BTCUSD-PERP, Omit for 'all' |
journal_type | string | N | Refer to the journal_type in Response Attributes |
start_time | number or string | N | Start time in Unix time format (inclusive ).Default: end_time - 1 day .Nanosecond is recommended for accurate pagination |
end_time | number or string | N | End time in Unix time format (exclusive )Default: current system timestamp. Nanosecond is recommended for accurate pagination |
limit | int | N | The maximum number of trades to be retrievd before the end_time .Default: 100. Max: 100. |
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
account_id | string | Account ID |
event_date | string | Event date |
journal_id | string of number | Journal ID |
transaction_qty | string | Transaction quantity |
transaction_cost | string | Transaction cost |
realized_pnl | string | Realized PNL |
order_id | string of number | Order ID |
trade_id | string of number | Trade ID |
trade_match_id | string of number | Trade match ID applicable to trades only. Non-trade related transactions will have zero or null value. |
client_oid | string | Client Order ID (can be empty) |
taker_side | string | MAKER or TAKER or empty |
side | string | BUY or SELL |
instrument_name | string | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
event_timestamp_ms | number | Event timestamp in milliseconds |
event_timestamp_ns | string | Event timestamp in nanoseconds |
Wallet API
Request Sample
"id": -1,
"method": "private/create-withdrawal",
"params": {
"client_wid": "my_withdrawal_002",
"currency": "BTC",
"amount": "1",
"address": "2NBqqD5GRJ8wHy1PYyCXTe9ke5226FhavBf",
"address_tag": "",
"network_id": null
"nonce": "1607063412000"
Response Sample
"result": {
"id": 2220,
"amount": 1,
"fee": 0.0004,
"symbol": "BTC",
"address": "2NBqqD5GRJ8wHy1PYyCXTe9ke5226FhavBf",
"client_wid": "my_withdrawal_002",
"network_id": null
Creates a withdrawal request. Withdrawal setting must be enabled for your API Key. If you do not see the option when viewing your API Key, this feature is not yet available for you.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
client_wid | string | N | Optional Client withdrawal ID |
currency | string | Y | E.g. BTC, CRO |
amount | decimal | Y | |
address | string | Y | |
address_tag | string | N | Secondary address identifier for coins like XRP, XLM etc. Also known as memo or tags. |
network_id | string | N | Select the desired network, require the address to be whitelisted first. See default_network and network in get-currency-networks for the value. |
Helpful Information
- Withdrawal addresses must first be whitelisted in your account’s Withdrawal Whitelist page.
- Withdrawal fees and minimum withdrawal amount can be found on the Fees & Limits page on the Exchange website.
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
id | long | Newly created withdrawal ID |
client_wid | string | (Optional) if a Client withdrawal ID was provided in the request |
currency | string | E.g. BTC, CRO |
amount | decimal | |
fee | decimal | |
address | string | Address with Address Tag (if any) |
create_time | long |
Request Sample
"id": 12,
"method": "private/get-currency-networks",
"params": {},
"api_key": "api_key",
"sig": "9b4e5428970d88270ac18aa680d33bf6a42390db2060e7f3b81f579a99cea9d5",
"nonce": :1640830660110
Response Sample
"code": 0,
"result": {
"update_time": 1641151604000,
"currency_map": {
"AGLD": {
"full_name": "Adventure Gold",
"default_network": null,
"network_list": [
"network_id": "ETH",
"withdrawal_fee": null,
"withdraw_enabled": true,
"min_withdrawal_amount": 10.0,
"deposit_enabled": true,
"confirmation_required": 12
"MATIC": {
"full_name": "Polygon",
"default_network": "ETH",
"network_list": [
"network_id": "BNB",
"withdrawal_fee": 0.80000000,
"withdraw_enabled": true,
"min_withdrawal_amount": 1.6,
"deposit_enabled": true,
"confirmation_required": 0
"network_id": "ETH",
"withdrawal_fee": 20.00000000,
"withdraw_enabled": true,
"min_withdrawal_amount": 40.0,
"deposit_enabled": true,
"confirmation_required": 0
"network_id": "MATIC",
"withdrawal_fee": 0.08000000,
"withdraw_enabled": true,
"min_withdrawal_amount": 0.16,
"deposit_enabled": true,
"confirmation_required": 0
Get the symbol network mapping.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
no param required | N/A |
i. You still need to pass in an empty params
block like params: {}
for API request consistency
ii. It works for master account only, not for sub-accounts.
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
An Map of currency
, consisting of:
Name | Type | Description |
full_name | string | e.g. SHIBA INU |
default_network | string | If network is not provided in create-withdrawal, it will search for default_network, if there is more than 1 network available. |
network_list | string | A list of networks |
Name | Type | Description |
network_id | string | the network id, can be used in create-withdrawal |
withdraw_enabled | boolean | |
deposit_enabled | boolean | |
withdrawal_fee | decimal | |
min_withdrawal_amount | decimal | |
confirmation_required | int | confirmation blocks count |
Request Sample
"id": -1,
"method": "private/get-deposit-address",
"params": {
"currency": "CRO",
"nonce": 1587846358253
Response Sample
"id": 11,
"method": "private/get-deposit-address",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"deposit_address_list": [
"currency": "CRO",
"create_time": 1615886328000,
"id": "12345",
"address": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"status": "1",
"network": "CRO"
"currency": "CRO",
"create_time": 1615886332000,
"id": "12346",
"address": "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy",
"status": "1",
"network": "ETH"
Fetches deposit address. Withdrawal setting must be enabled for your API Key. If you do not see the option when viewing your API Keys, this feature is not yet available for you.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
currency | string | Y | E.g. BTC, CRO |
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
An array of deposit_address_list
, consisting of:
Name | Type | Description |
id | long | Newly created deposit ID |
currency | string | E.g. BTC, CRO |
network | string | E.g. ETH, CRO When currency = CRO, network = CRO, it is a main net address. When currency = CRO, network = ETH, it is an ERC20 address. |
address | string | Address with Address Tag (if any) |
create_time | long | |
status | string | "0" 0 - Inactive 1 - Active |
Request Sample
"id": -1,
"method": "private/get-deposit-history",
"params": {
"currency": "XRP",
"start_ts": 1587846300000,
"end_ts": 1587846358253,
"page_size": 2,
"page": 0,
"status": "1"
"nonce": 1587846358253
Response Sample
"id": 11,
"method": "private/get-deposit-history",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"deposit_list": [
"currency": "XRP",
"fee": 1.0,
"create_time": 1607063412000,
"id": "2220",
"update_time": 1607063460000,
"amount": 100,
"address": "2NBqqD5GRJ8wHy1PYyCXTe9ke5226FhavBf?1234567890",
"status": "1"
Fetches deposit history. Withdrawal setting must be enabled for your API Key. If you do not see the option when viewing your API Keys, this feature is not yet available for you.
Note: It works for master account only, not for sub-accounts.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
currency | string | N | E.g. BTC, CRO |
start_ts | long | N | Default is 90 days from current timestamp |
end_ts | long | N | Default is current timestamp |
page_size | int | N | Page size (Default: 20, Max: 200) |
page | int | N | Page number (0-based) |
status | string | N | "0" 0 - Not Arrived 1 - Arrived 2 - Failed 3 - Pending |
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
An array of deposit_list
, consisting of:
Name | Type | Description |
id | long | Newly created deposit ID |
currency | string | E.g. BTC, CRO |
amount | decimal | |
fee | decimal | |
address | string | Address with Address Tag (if any) |
create_time | long | |
status | string | "0" 0 - Not Arrived 1 - Arrived 2 - Failed 3 - Pending |
Request Sample
"id": -1,
"method": "private/get-withdrawal-history",
"params": {
"currency": "XRP",
"start_ts": 1587846300000,
"end_ts": 1587846358253,
"page_size": 2,
"page": 0,
"status": "1"
"nonce": 1587846358253
Response Sample
"id": 11,
"method": "private/get-withdrawal-history",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"withdrawal_list": [
"currency": "XRP",
"client_wid": "my_withdrawal_002",
"fee": 1.0,
"create_time": 1607063412000,
"id": "2220",
"update_time": 1607063460000,
"amount": 100,
"address": "2NBqqD5GRJ8wHy1PYyCXTe9ke5226FhavBf?1234567890",
"status": "1",
"txid": "",
"network_id": null
Fetches withdrawal history. Withdrawal setting must be enabled for your API Key. If you do not see the option when viewing your API Keys, this feature is not yet available for you.
Note: It works for master account only, not for sub-accounts.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
currency | string | N | E.g. BTC, CRO |
start_ts | long | N | Default is 90 days from current timestamp |
end_ts | long | N | Default is current timestamp |
page_size | int | N | Page size (Default: 20, Max: 200) |
page | int | N | Page number (0-based) |
status | string | N | "0" 0 - Pending 1 - Processing 2 - Rejected 3 - Payment In-progress 4 - Payment Failed 5 - Completed 6 - Cancelled |
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
An array of withdrawal_list
, consisting of:
Name | Type | Description |
id | long | Newly created withdrawal ID |
client_wid | string | (Optional) if a Client withdrawal ID was provided in the request |
currency | string | E.g. BTC, CRO |
amount | decimal | |
fee | decimal | |
address | string | Address with Address Tag (if any) |
create_time | long | |
status | string | "0" 0 - Pending 1 - Processing 2 - Rejected 3 - Payment In-progress 4 - Payment Failed 5 - Completed 6 - Cancelled |
txid | string | Transaction hash |
network_id | string | Network for the transaction - please see get-currency-networks. Only available when Exchange support multiple network on the currency |
Staking API
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/staking/stake",
"params": {
"instrument_name": "SOL.staked",
"quantity": "1"
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"code": 0,
"method": "private/staking/stake",
"result": {
"staking_id": "1",
"instrument_name": "SOL.staked",
"status": "NEW",
"quantity": "1",
"underlying_inst_name": "SOL",
"pre_stake_charge_rate_in_bps": "50",
"pre_stake_charge": "0.5",
"reason": "NO_ERROR"
Create a request to earn token rewards by staking on-chain in the Exchange.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
instrument_name | string | Y | Staking instrument name, e.g. SOL.staked, refer to instrument_name from private/staking/get-staking-instruments response |
quantity | string | Y | Stake quantity |
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
staking_id | string | Request id |
instrument_name | string | Staking instrument name, e.g. SOL.staked |
status | string | Request status: - NEW - PENDING - STAKED - COMPLETED - REJECTED |
quantity | string | Stake quantity |
underlying_inst_name | string | Underlying instrument name of staking, e.g. SOL |
pre_stake_charge_rate_in_bps | string | Pre stake charge rate in basis point |
pre_stake_charge | string | Pre stake charge value |
reason | string | Reason for the status, e.g. "NO_ERROR" |
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/staking/unstake",
"params": {
"instrument_name": "SOL.staked",
"quantity": "1"
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"code": 0,
"method": "private/staking/unstake",
"result": {
"staking_id": "1",
"instrument_name": "SOL.staked",
"status": "NEW",
"quantity": "1",
"underlying_inst_name": "SOL",
"reason": "NO_ERROR"
Create a request to unlock staked token.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
instrument_name | string | Y | Staking instrument name, e.g. SOL.staked, refer to instrument_name from private/staking/get-staking-instruments response |
quantity | string | Y | Unstake quantity For yield-bearing instruments (learn more from FAQs), this field requires the quantity you wish to unstake in terms of the original staked token. Example: If you hold a TSTON.staked position, specify the quantity of TSTON.staked token you wish to unstake. You can retrieve the conversion rates (of TSTON to TON) from private/staking/get-swap-rate endpoint to estimate the quantity of TON you will receive after the request is successfully completed. |
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
staking_id | string | Request id |
instrument_name | string | Staking instrument name, e.g. SOL.staked |
quantity | string | Unstake quantity For yield-bearing instruments (learn more from FAQs), this field displays the quantity you wish to unstake in terms of the original token you staked. Example: If you hold a TSTON.staked position, specify the quantity of TSTON.staked tokens you wish to unstake. This field will show you the quantity of TON you will receive after the request is successfully completed. |
underlying_inst_name | string | Underlying instrument name, e.g. SOL |
reason | string | Reason for the status, e.g. "NO_ERROR" |
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/staking/get-staking-position",
"params": {
"instrument_name": "SOL.staked"
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"code": 0,
"method": "private/staking/get-staking-position",
"result": {
"data": [
"instrument_name": "SOL.staked",
"underlying_inst_name": "SOL",
"staked_quantity": "30000.00",
"pending_staked_quantity": "20000.00",
"pending_unstaked_quantity": "10000.00",
"reward_eligible_quantity": "10000.00"
Get the total staking position for a user/token
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
instrument_name | string | N | Staking instrument name, e.g. SOL.staked |
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
An array, consisting of:
Name | Type | Description |
instrument_name | string | Staking instrument name, e.g. SOL.staked |
underlying_inst_name | string | Underlying instrument name, e.g. SOL |
staked_quantity | string | Total staked quantity For yield-bearing instruments (learn more from FAQs), the staked_quantity, pending_unstaked_quantity, reward_eligible_quantity fields display the quantity of yield-bearing tokens held. Example: If you hold a TSTON.staked position, this will show the actual quantity of TSTON held on-chain on your behalf via the Exchange. |
pending_staked_quantity | string | Total pending staked quantity |
pending_unstaked_quantity | string | Total pending unstaked quantity |
reward_eligible_quantity | string | Total reward eligible quantity, quantity can be unstaked/convert |
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/staking/get-staking-instruments",
"params": {}
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"code": 0,
"method": "private/staking/get-staking-instruments",
"result": {
"data": [
"instrument_name": "SOL.staked",
"underlying_inst_name": "SOL",
"reward_inst_name": "SOL.staked",
"out_of_stock": false,
"block_unstake": false,
"est_rewards": "0.0661",
"apr_y": "APR",
"min_stake_amt": "0.00000001",
"reward_frequency": "2.5",
"lock_up_period": "5",
"is_compound_reward": true,
"pre_stake_charge_enable": false,
"pre_stake_charge_rate_in_bps": "0",
"is_restaked": false,
"additional_rewards": []
"instrument_name": "DYDX.staked",
"underlying_inst_name": "DYDX",
"reward_inst_name": "DYDX",
"out_of_stock": false,
"block_unstake": false,
"est_rewards": "0.05",
"apr_y": "APR",
"min_stake_amt": "0.00000001",
"reward_frequency": "1",
"lock_up_period": "31",
"is_compound_reward": false,
"pre_stake_charge_enable": false,
"pre_stake_charge_rate_in_bps": "0",
"is_restaked": false,
"additional_rewards": [
"reward_inst_name": "USD_Stable_Coin"
Get staking instruments information
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
no param required | N/A |
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
An array, consisting of:
Name | Type | Description |
instrument_name | string | Staking instrument name, e.g. SOL.staked |
underlying_inst_name | string | Underlying instrument name, e.g. SOL |
reward_inst_name | string | Reward instrument name, e.g. SOL.staked |
out_of_stock | boolean | Disabled stake - true or false |
block_unstake | boolean | Disabled unstake - true or false |
est_rewards | string | Estimated rewards |
apr_y | string | Estimated rewards unit - APR or APY |
min_stake_amt | string | Minimum stake amount |
reward_frequency | string | Estimated reward frequency (day) |
lock_up_period | string | Estimated lock up period (day) |
is_compound_reward | boolean | Is reward compounded - true or false |
pre_stake_charge_enable | boolean | Is pre stake charge applied - true or false |
pre_stake_charge_rate_in_bps | string | Pre stake charge rate in basis point |
is_restaked | boolean | Is restaked instrument - true or false |
additional_rewards | array | See below |
consists of:
Name | Type | Description |
reward_inst_name | string | Additional reward instrument name |
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/staking/get-open-stake",
"params": {
"instrument_name": "SOL.staked",
"start_time": 1691455454495,
"end_time": 1691545277000,
"limit": "10"
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"code": 0,
"method": "private/staking/get-open-stake",
"result": {
"data": [
"instrument_name": "SOL.staked",
"underlying_inst_name": "SOL",
"cycle_id": "1",
"staking_id": "1",
"status": "PENDING",
"account": "12345678-9999-1234-9999-123456789999",
"quantity": "1",
"side": "STAKE",
"create_timestamp_ms": "1668658093600"
"instrument_name": "SOL.staked",
"underlying_inst_name": "SOL",
"cycle_id": "2",
"staking_id": "2",
"status": "UNSTAKING",
"account": "12345678-9999-1234-9999-123456789999",
"quantity": "0.5",
"side": "UNSTAKE",
"create_timestamp_ms": "1668658093600"
Get stake/unstake requests that status is not in final state.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
instrument_name | string | N | Staking instrument name, e.g. SOL.staked |
start_time | number or string | N | Start time in Unix time format (inclusive ) Default: end_time - 30 days Min: end_time - 180 days |
end_time | number or string | N | End time in Unix time format (inclusive ) Default: current system timestamp |
limit | number or string | N | The maximum number of requests returned Default: 20 Max: 500 |
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
An array, consisting of:
Name | Type | Description |
instrument_name | string | Staking instrument name, e.g. SOL.staked |
underlying_inst_name | string | Underlying instrument name, e.g. SOL |
cycle_id | string | Cycle id |
staking_id | string | Request id |
status | string | Request status: - NEW - PENDING - PENDING_WITHDRAWAL - PENDING_UNSTAKING - STAKED |
account | string | Account id |
quantity | string | Stake/unstake quantity For yield-bearing instruments (learn more from FAQs), this field displays the quantity in terms of the original staked token. Example: When unstaking a TSTON.staked position, this field will specify the quantity which is pending an unstaking action, denominated in TON. |
side | string | Stake or Unstake |
create_timestamp_ms | string | Request creation timestamp in milliseconds in Unix time format |
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/staking/get-stake-history",
"params": {
"instrument_name": "SOL.staked",
"start_time": 1691455454495,
"end_time": 1691545277000,
"limit": "10"
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"code": 0,
"method": "private/staking/get-stake-history",
"result": {
"data": [
"instrument_name": "SOL.staked",
"underlying_inst_name": "SOL",
"cycle_id": "1",
"staking_id": "1",
"status": "COMPLETED",
"account": "12345678-9999-1234-9999-123456789999",
"quantity": "1",
"side": "STAKE",
"create_timestamp_ms": "1668658093600"
"instrument_name": "SOL.staked",
"underlying_inst_name": "SOL",
"cycle_id": "2",
"staking_id": "2",
"status": "REJECTED",
"account": "12345678-9999-1234-9999-123456789999",
"quantity": "0.5",
"side": "UNSTAKE",
"create_timestamp_ms": "1668658093600"
Get stake/unstake request history
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
instrument_name | string | N | Staking instrument name, e.g. SOL.staked |
start_time | number or string | N | Start time in Unix time format (inclusive ) Default: end_time - 30 days Min: end_time - 180 days |
end_time | number or string | N | End time in Unix time format (inclusive ) Default: current system timestamp |
limit | number or string | N | The maximum number of requests returned Default: 20 Max: 500 |
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
An array, consisting of:
Name | Type | Description |
instrument_name | string | Staking instrument name, e.g. SOL.staked |
underlying_inst_name | string | Underlying instrument name, e.g. SOL |
cycle_id | string | Cycle id |
staking_id | string | Request id |
status | string | Request status: - COMPLETED - REJECTED |
account | string | Account id |
quantity | string | Stake/unstake quantity For yield-bearing instruments (learn more from FAQs), this field displays the quantity in terms of the original staked token. Example: After unstaking a TSTON.staked position, this field shows how much TON was received as a result of the completed request. |
side | string | Stake or Unstake |
create_timestamp_ms | string | Request creation timestamp in milliseconds in Unix time format |
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/staking/get-reward-history",
"params": {
"instrument_name": "SOL.staked",
"start_time": 1691455454495,
"end_time": 1691545277000,
"limit": "10"
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"code": 0,
"method": "private/staking/get-reward-history",
"result": {
"data": [
"staking_inst_name": "SOL.staked",
"underlying_inst_name": "SOL",
"reward_inst_name": "SOL.staked",
"reward_quantity": "123.4567",
"staked_balance": "1234567",
"event_timestamp_ms": "1667795832609"
Get stake/unstake request history
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
instrument_name | string | N | Staking instrument name, e.g. SOL.staked |
start_time | number or string | N | Start time in Unix time format (inclusive ) Default: end_time - 30 days Min: end_time - 180 days |
end_time | number or string | N | End time in Unix time format (inclusive ) Default: current system timestamp |
limit | number or string | N | The maximum number of requests returned Default: 20 Max: 500 |
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
An array, consisting of:
Name | Type | Description |
staking_inst_name | string | Staking instrument name, e.g. SOL.staked |
underlying_inst_name | string | Underlying instrument name, e.g. SOL |
reward_inst_name | string | Reward instrument name, e.g. SOL.staked |
reward_quantity | string | Reward quantity |
staked_balance | string | Staked balance |
event_timestamp_ms | string | Event timestamp in milliseconds in Unix time format |
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/staking/convert",
"params": {
"from_instrument_name": "ETH.staked",
"to_instrument_name": "CDCETH",
"expected_rate": "1.0203",
"from_quantity": "3.14159265",
"slippage_tolerance_bps": "3"
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"code": 0,
"method": "private/staking/convert",
"result": {
"from_instrument_name": "ETH.staked",
"to_instrument_name": "CDCETH",
"expected_rate": "1.0203",
"from_quantity": "3.14159265",
"slippage_tolerance_bps": "3",
"convert_id": 1,
"reason": "NO_ERROR"
Create a request to convert between staked token with liquid staking token.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
from_instrument_name | string | Y | Instrument name to convert from: - ETH.staked - CDCETH |
to_instrument_name | string | Y | Instrument name to convert to: - CDCETH if from_instrument_name is ETH.staked - ETH.staked if from_instrument_name is CDCETH |
expected_rate | string | Y | Expected conversion rate, received from public/staking/get-conversion-rate |
from_quantity | string | Y | Quantity to be converted in from_instrument_name |
slippage_tolerance_bps | string | Y | Maximum slippage allowed in basis point |
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
from_instrument_name | string | Instrument name to convert from , e.g. ETH.staked |
to_instrument_name | string | Instrument name to convert to, e.g. CDCETH |
expected_rate | string | Expected conversion rate |
from_quantity | string | Quantity to be converted in from_instrument_name |
slippage_tolerance_bps | string | Maximum slippage allowed in basis point |
convert_id | string | Convert request id |
reason | string | Reason for the status, e.g. "NO_ERROR" |
Request Sample with limit and time range provided
"id": 1,
"method": "private/staking/get-open-convert",
"params": {
"start_time": 1691455454495,
"end_time": 1691545277000,
"limit": "10"
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"code": 0,
"method": "private/staking/get-open-convert",
"result": {
"data": [
"from_instrument_name": "ETH.staked",
"to_instrument_name": "CDCETH",
"expected_rate": "1.0203",
"from_quantity": "3.14159265",
"slippage_tolerance_bps": "3",
"actual_rate": "1.0203",
"to_quantity": "3.14159265",
"convert_id": 1,
"status": "COMPLETED",
"create_timestamp_ms": "1688140984005"
Get convert request that status is not in final state.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
start_time | number or string | N | Start time in Unix time format (inclusive ) Default: end_time - 30 day Min: end_time - 180 days |
end_time | number or string | N | End time in Unix time format (inclusive ) Default: current system timestamp |
limit | number or string | N | The maximum number of requests returned Default: 20 Max: 500 |
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
An array, consisting of:
Name | Type | Description |
from_instrument_name | string | Instrument name to convert from: - ETH.staked - CDCETH |
to_instrument_name | string | Instrument name to convert to, e.g. CDCETH |
expected_rate | string | Expected conversion rate |
from_quantity | string | Quantity to be converted in from_instrument_name |
slippage_tolerance_bps | string | Maximum slippage allowed in basis point |
actual_rate | string | Actual conversion rate |
to_quantity | string | Quantity converted to to_instrument_name |
convert_id | string | Convert request id |
status | string | Request status: - NEW |
create_timestamp_ms | string | Request creation timestamp in milliseconds in Unix time format |
Request Sample with limit and time range provided
"id": 1,
"method": "private/staking/get-convert-history",
"params": {
"start_time": 1691455454495,
"end_time": 1691545277000,
"limit": "10"
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"code": 0,
"method": "private/staking/get-convert-history",
"result": {
"data": [
"from_instrument_name": "ETH.staked",
"to_instrument_name": "CDCETH",
"expected_rate": "1.0203",
"from_quantity": "3.14159265",
"slippage_tolerance_bps": "3",
"actual_rate": "1.0203",
"to_quantity": "3.14159265",
"convert_id": 1,
"status": "COMPLETED",
"create_timestamp_ms": "1688140984005"
Get convert request history
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
start_time | number or string | N | Start time in Unix time format (inclusive ) Default: end_time - 30 day Min: end_time - 180 days |
end_time | number or string | N | End time in Unix time format (inclusive ) Default: current system timestamp |
limit | number or string | N | The maximum number of requests returned Default: 20 Max: 500 |
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
An array, consisting of:
Name | Type | Description |
from_instrument_name | string | Instrument name to convert from: - ETH.staked - CDCETH |
to_instrument_name | string | Instrument name to convert to: - CDCETH - ETH.staked |
expected_rate | string | Expected conversion rate |
from_quantity | string | Quantity to be converted in from_instrument_name |
slippage_tolerance_bps | string | Maximum slippage allowed in basis point |
actual_rate | string | Actual conversion rate |
to_quantity | string | Quantity converted to to_instrument_name |
convert_id | string | Convert request id |
status | string | Request status: - COMPLETED - Reason of REJECTED |
create_timestamp_ms | string | Request creation timestamp in milliseconds in Unix time format |
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "public/staking/get-conversion-rate",
"params": {
"instrument_name": "CDCETH"
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "public/staking/get-conversion-rate",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"instrument_name": "CDCETH",
"conversion_rate": "1.0203"
Get conversion rate between staked token and liquid staking token
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
instrument_name | string | Y | liquid staking token instrument name: - CDCETH |
Applies To
REST Method
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
instrument_name | string | CDCETH |
conversion_rate | string | conversion rate between staked token (ETH.staked) and liquid staking token (CDCETH) |
Websocket Subscriptions
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "subscribe",
"params": {
"channels": ["user.order"]
"nonce": 1587523073344
Response Sample (Initial)
"id": 1,
"code": 0,
"method": "subscribe"
One of the powerful features of a websocket is the ability to subscribe to incremental updates in particular channels
This section covers the available channels that can be subscribed or unsubscribed for both the Websocket (User API) and Websocket (Market Data Subscriptions)
Market Data Subscriptions include features such as order book depth, all trades and ticker data.
Market Data Websocket Subscription Limits
To better distribute system load, a single market data websocket connection is limited to a maximum of 400 subscriptions.
Once this limit is reached, further subscription requests will be rejected with the EXCEED_MAX_SUBSCRIPTIONS
error code.
A user should establish multiple connections if additional market data subscriptions are required.
Subscription Requests
Websocket subscriptions involve two responses:
An initial response to the subscribe command, which can subscribe to one or more channels
Periodic channel data for the specified channel
We recommend adding a 1-second sleep after establishing the websocket connection, and before requests are sent.
This will avoid occurrences of rate-limit (`TOO_MANY_REQUESTS`) errors, as the websocket rate limits are pro-rated based on the calendar-second that the websocket connection was opened.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
method | string | Y | subscribe, unsubscribe |
channels | array of strings | Y | Channels to be subscribed |
Applies To
Websocket Heartbeats
Heartbeat Example
"id": 1587523073344,
"method": "public/heartbeat",
"code": 0
Request Sample
"id": 1587523073344,
"method": "public/respond-heartbeat"
For websocket connections, the system will send a heartbeat message to the client every 30 seconds.
The client must respond back with the public/respond-heartbeat
method, using the same matching id
, within 5 seconds, or the connection will break.
Request Params
Applies To
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "subscribe",
"params": {
"channels": ["user.order"]
"nonce": 1587523073344
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "subscribe",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP",
"subscription": "user.order.BTCUSD-PERP",
"channel": "user.order",
"data": [{
"account_id": "52e7c00f-1324-5a6z-bfgt-de445bde21a5",
"order_id": "19848525",
"client_oid": "1613571154900",
"order_type": "LIMIT",
"time_in_force": "GOOD_TILL_CANCEL",
"side": "BUY",
"exec_inst": [],
"quantity": "0.0100",
"limit_price": "50000.0",
"order_value": "500.000000",
"maker_fee_rate": "0.000250",
"taker_fee_rate": "0.000400",
"avg_price": "0.0",
"cumulative_quantity": "0.0000",
"cumulative_value": "0.000000",
"cumulative_fee": "0.000000",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"update_user_id": "fd797356-55db-48c2-a44d-157aabf702e8",
"order_date": "2021-02-17",
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP",
"fee_instrument_name": "USD",
"create_time": 1613575617173,
"create_time_ns": "1613575617173123456",
"update_time": 1613575617173
Publishes all new orders or order updates for the user for a particular instrument, where the early response containing the same id
as the request is the current open orders.
Requires initial authentication using public/auth
(see public/auth
for more information).
Applies To
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
instrument_name | string | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
subscription | string | user.order.{instrument_name} or user.order (all instruments) |
channel | string | user.order |
data | array | See below |
makes it easy to map to the initial subscription
and instrument_name
simply allow easier access to parameters without needing to parse the subscription
consists of:
Name | Type | Description |
account_id | string | Account ID |
order_id | string of number | Order ID |
client_oid | string | Client Order ID |
time_in_force | string | - GOOD_TILL_CANCEL - IMMEDIATE_OR_CANCEL - FILL_OR_KILL |
side | string | BUY or SELL |
exec_inst | array | - POST_ONLY - LIQUIDATION |
quantity | string | Quantity specified in the order |
limit_price | string | Limit price specified in the order |
order_value | string | Order value |
maker_fee_rate | string | User's maker fee rate |
taker_fee_rate | string | User's taker fee rate |
avg_price | string | Average price |
cumulative_quantity | string | Cumulative executed quantity |
cumulative_value | string | Cumulative executed value |
cumulative_fee | string | Cumulative executed fee |
status | string | Order status: - NEW - PENDING - REJECTED - ACTIVE - CANCELED - FILLED - EXPIRED |
update_user_id | string | Updated user |
order_date | string | Order creation date |
create_time | number | Order creation timestamp |
create_time_ns | string | Order creation timestamp (nanosecond) |
update_time | number | Order update timestamp |
instrument_name | string | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
fee_instrument_name | string | Currency used for the fees |
Note: To detect a 'partial filled' status, look for status
and cumulative_quantity
> 0.{instrument_name}
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "subscribe",
"params": {
"channels": [""]
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "subscribe",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP",
"subscription": "",
"channel": "",
"data": [{
"account_id": "52e7c00f-1324-5a6z-bfgt-de445bde21a5",
"event_date": "2021-02-17",
"journal_type": "TRADING",
"traded_quantity": "0.0500",
"traded_price": "51278.5",
"fees": "-1.025570",
"order_id": "19708564",
"trade_id": "38554669",
"trade_match_id": "76423",
"side": "BUY",
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP",
"fee_instrument_name": "USD",
"create_time": 1613570791060,
"create_time_ns": "1613570791060123456",
"transaction_time": "1613570791060827635",
"match_count": "1",
"match_index": "0"
Publishes all new trades updates related to the user for a particular instrument, where the early response containing the same id
serves as the confirmation to the request, and the rest of the responses with "id":-1
are live updates
Requires initial authentication using public/auth
(see public/auth
for more information).
Applies To
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
instrument_name | string | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
subscription | string |{instrument_name} or (all instruments) |
channel | string | |
data | array | See below |
makes it easy to map to the initial subscription
and instrument_name
simply allow easier access to parameters without needing to parse the subscription
consists of:
Name | Type | Description |
account_id | string | Account ID |
event_date | string | Event date |
journal_type | string | Journal type would be TRADING |
traded_quantity | string | Trade quantity |
traded_price | string | Trade price |
fees | string | Trade fees, the negative sign means a deduction on balance |
order_id | string of number | Order ID |
trade_id | string of number | Trade ID |
trade_match_id | string of number | Trade match ID |
client_oid | string | Client Order ID |
taker_side | string | MAKER or TAKER or empty |
side | string | BUY or SELL |
instrument_name | string | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
fee_instrument_name | string | e.g. USD |
create_time | number | Create timestamp |
create_time_ns | string | Create timestamp (nanosecond) |
transaction_time | string | Trade transaction timestamp in (nanosecond) |
match_count | string of number | Number of orders matched for this trade execution If it is Maker's Order, value is always 1 If it is Taker's Order, it is the number of orders matched for this trade execution |
match_index | string of number | Only appears if it is Maker's order. It represents which order entry of corresponding price level was matched This value is 0 base. If the matched order is on the top of the queue, it is shown 0. |
Request Sample
"id": 1,
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "subscribe",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"subscription": "user.balance",
"channel": "user.balance",
"data": [{
"total_available_balance": "4721.05898582",
"total_margin_balance": "7595.42571782",
"total_initial_margin": "2874.36673202",
"total_position_im": "486.31273202",
"total_haircut": "2388.054",
"total_maintenance_margin": "1437.18336601",
"total_position_cost": "14517.54641301",
"total_cash_balance": "7890.00320721",
"total_collateral_value": "7651.18811483",
"total_session_unrealized_pnl": "-55.76239701",
"instrument_name": "USD",
"total_session_realized_pnl": "0.00000000",
"is_liquidating": false,
"total_effective_leverage" : "1.90401230",
"position_limit" : "3000000.00000000",
"used_position_limit" : "40674.69622001",
"position_balances": [
"instrument_name": "CRO",
"quantity": "24422.72427884",
"market_value": "4776.107959969951",
"collateral_eligible": "true",
"haircut": "0.5",
"collateral_amount": "4776.007959969951",
"max_withdrawal_balance": "24422.72427884",
"reserved_qty" : "0.00000000"
"instrument_name": "USD",
"quantity": "3113.50747209",
"market_value": "3113.50747209",
"collateral_eligible": "true",
"haircut": "0",
"collateral_amount": "3112.50747209",
"max_withdrawal_balance": "3113.50747209",
"reserved_qty" : "0.00000000"
"instrument_name": "USDT",
"quantity": "0.19411607",
"market_value": "0.19389555414448",
"collateral_eligible": "true",
"haircut": "0.02",
"collateral_amount": "0.00089555414448",
"max_withdrawal_balance": "0.19411607",
"reserved_qty" : "0.00000000"
"instrument_name": "DAI",
"quantity": "0.19387960",
"market_value": "0.1938796",
"collateral_eligible": "false",
"haircut": "0",
"collateral_amount": "0.0008796",
"max_withdrawal_balance": "0.1938796",
"reserved_qty" : "0.00000000"
Publishes all new balance updates for the user.
Requires initial authentication using public/auth
(see public/auth
for more information).
Applies To
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
subscription | string | user.balance |
channel | string | user.balance |
data | array | See below |
consists of:
Name | Type | Description |
instrument_name | string | instrument name of the balance e.g. USD |
total_available_balance | string | Balance that user can open new order (Margin Balance - Initial Margin) |
total_margin_balance | string | Positive cash balance on eligible collateral tokens + Negative balance on all tokens + Unrealised PnL - Fee reserves |
total_initial_margin | string | Total margin requirement to support positions and all open orders IM and haircut from risk asset holdings Total sum of total_position_im + total_haircut |
total_position_im | string | initial margin requirement to support open positions and orders |
total_haircut | string | the total haircut on eligible collateral token assets |
total_maintenance_margin | string | Total maintenance margin requirement for all positions |
total_position_cost | string | Position value in USD |
total_cash_balance | string | Wallet Balance (Deposits - Withdrawals + Realized PnL - Fees) |
total_collateral_value | string | Collateral Value |
total_session_unrealized_pnl | string | Current unrealized profit and loss from all open positions (calculated with Mark Price and Avg Price) |
total_session_realized_pnl | string | Current realized profit and loss from all open positions (calculated with Mark Price and Avg Price) |
is_liquidating | boolean | Describes whether the account is under liquidation |
total_effective_leverage | string | The actual leverage used (all open positions combined), i.e. position size / margin balance |
position_limit | string | Maximum position size allowed (for all open positions combined) |
used_position_limit | string | Combined position size of all open positions + order exposure on all instruments |
position_balances | array | Collateral balances as shown below |
is an array consisting of:
Name | Type | Description |
instrument_name | string | Instrument name of the collateral e.g. USD , CRO , USDT , or DAI |
quantity | string | Quantity of the collateral |
market_value | string | Market value of the collateral |
collateral_eligible | boolean | true or false |
haircut | string | Show haircut for eligible collateral token |
collateral_amount | string | Collateral amount derived by market_value minus haircut |
max_withdrawal_balance | string | Max withdrawal balance of the collateral |
reserved_qty | string | Fund/balance in use, not available for new orders or additional trading activities. |
Request Sample
"id": 1,
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "subscribe",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"subscription": "user.positions",
"channel": "user.positions",
"data": [{
"account_id": "52e7c00f-8716-4d6f-afdf-de334bde8ea5",
"quantity": "0.0500",
"session_unrealized_pnl": "-14.884000",
"cost": "2561.516000",
"open_position_pnl": "-7.302460",
"open_pos_cost": "2561.328000",
"session_pnl": "0.000000",
"pos_initial_margin": "64.684453",
"pos_maintenance_margin": "44.311397",
"market_value": "2546.632000",
"mark_price": "50932.6",
"target_leverage": "50.00",
"update_timestamp_ms": 1613578676735,
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP",
Publishes all new position updates for the user
Requires initial authentication using public/auth
(see public/auth
for more information).
Applies To
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
subscription | string | user.positions |
channel | string | user.positions |
data | array | See below |
consists of:
Name | Type | Description |
account_id | string | Account ID |
quantity | string | Position quantity |
cost | string | Position cost or value in USD SPOT: cost and quantity are the same value PERP: cost is the position market value as in last hourly settlement. i.e. mark price at hourly settlement * quantity |
session_unrealized_pnl | string | Unrealized profit and loss for the current trading session |
open_position_pnl | string | Profit and loss for the open position |
open_pos_cost | string | Open pos cost |
session_pnl | string | Profit and loss in the current trading session |
pos_initial_margin | string | Position's initial margin |
pos_maintenance_margin | string | Position's maintenance margin |
market_value | string | Market value of position size with Mark Price |
mark_price | string | Mark price |
target_leverage | string | Leverage |
update_timestamp_ms | number | Update time (Unix timestamp) |
instrument_name | string | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
type | string | e.g. PERPETUAL_SWAP |
Request Sample
"id": 1,
Response Sample
"method": "subscribe",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"account_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1000-000000000003",
"subscription": "user.account_risk",
"channel": "user.account_risk",
"data": [
"instrument_name": "USD",
"total_available_balance": "10009769008.34209823",
"total_cash_balance": "10010020146.28690719",
"total_initial_margin": "62.47231001",
"total_maintenance_margin": "30.29753001",
"total_position_cost": "1907.12000000",
"total_session_unrealized_pnl": "2.61999999999989088",
"total_margin_balance": "10009769070.81440734",
"total_session_realized_pnl": "0",
"total_effective_leverage": "0.00000019",
"position_limit": "3000000.00000000",
"used_position_limit": "4025.50000000",
"is_liquidating": false,
"total_borrow": "0.00000000",
"margin_score": "0.00000000",
"balances": [
"instrument_name": "USD",
"quantity": "9999999992.88690568152",
"market_value": "9999999992.88690567",
"collateral_eligible": "true",
"haircut": "0.8800000",
"collateral_amount": "9999999992.00690567",
"max_withdrawal_balance": "9999999992.88690567",
"reserved_qty": "0"
"instrument_name": "USDT",
"quantity": "10000000",
"market_value": "9999801.00000000",
"collateral_eligible": "true",
"haircut": "1.00000",
"collateral_amount": "9999800.000000000",
"max_withdrawal_balance": "10000000.00000000",
"reserved_qty": "0"
"positions": [
"account_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1000-000000000003",
"quantity": "-0.1",
"market_value": "-1904.50000000",
"session_unrealized_pnl": "2.61999999",
"open_position_pnl": "-7.11309431848",
"session_pnl": "0",
"cost": "-1907.12",
"open_pos_cost": "-1900",
"liquidation_price": "0.0",
"pos_initial_margin": "29.21503000",
"pos_maintenance_margin": "21.59703000",
"mark_price": "19045.0",
"effective_leverage": "0.000000",
"target_leverage": "100.000000",
"update_timestamp_ms": 1663927002224,
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP",
"total_collateral_value": "10009769068.19440460"
"id": -1
Publishes position and balance snapshot for the user on a regular basis
Requires initial authentication using public/auth
(see public/auth
for more information).
Applies To
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
subscription | string | user.account_risk |
channel | string | user.account_risk |
data | array | See below |
consists of:
Name | Type | Description |
instrument_name | string | instrument name of the balance e.g. USD |
total_available_balance | string | Balance that user can open new order (Margin Balance - Initial Margin) |
total_margin_balance | string | Positive cash balance on eligible collateral tokens + Negative balance on all tokens + Unrealised PnL - Fee reserves |
total_initial_margin | string | Total margin requirement to support positions and all open orders IM and haircut from risk asset holdings |
total_maintenance_margin | string | Total maintenance margin requirement for all positions |
total_position_cost | string | Position value in USD |
total_cash_balance | string | Wallet Balance (Deposits - Withdrawals + Realized PnL - Fees) |
total_collateral_value | string | Collateral Value |
total_session_unrealized_pnl | string | Current unrealized profit and loss from all open positions (calculated with Mark Price and Avg Price) |
total_session_realized_pnl | string | Current realized profit and loss from all open positions (calculated with Mark Price and Avg Price) |
is_liquidating | boolean | Describes whether the account is under liquidation |
total_effective_leverage | string | The actual leverage used (all open positions combined), i.e. position size / margin balance |
position_limit | string | Maximum position size allowed (for all open positions combined) |
used_position_limit | string | Combined position size of all open positions + order exposure on all instruments |
is an array consisting of:
Name | Type | Description |
instrument_name | string | Instrument name of the collateral e.g. USD , CRO , USDT , or DAI |
quantity | string | Quantity of the collateral |
market_value | string | Market value of the collateral |
collateral_eligible | boolean | true or false |
haircut | string | Show haircut for eligible collateral token |
collateral_amount | string | Collateral amount derived by market_value minus haircut |
max_withdrawal_balance | string | Max withdrawal balance of the collateral |
reserved_qty | string | Fund/balance in use, not available for new orders or additional trading activities. |
is an array consisting of:
Name | Type | Description |
account_id | string | Account ID |
quantity | string | Position quantity |
liquidation_price | string | Liquidation price |
session_unrealized_pnl | string | Unrealized profit and loss for the current trading session |
cost | string | Position cost or value in USD |
open_position_pnl | string | Profit and loss for the open position |
open_pos_cost | string | Open pos cost |
session_pnl | string | Profit and loss in the current trading session |
pos_initial_margin | string | Position's initial margin |
pos_maintenance_margin | string | Position's maintenance margin |
market_value | string | Market value of position size with Mark Price |
mark_price | string | Mark price |
target_leverage | string | Leverage |
update_timestamp_ms | number | Update time (Unix timestamp) |
instrument_name | string | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
type | string | e.g. PERPETUAL_SWAP |
Request Sample
"id": 1,
Response Sample
"method": "subscribe",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"subscription": "user.position_balance",
"channel": "user.position_balance",
"data": [
"instrument_name": "BTC",
"quantity": "-0.0002"
"account_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1000-000000000003",
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP",
"quantity": "-0.2",
"cost": "-3807.12",
"open_position_pnl": "-7.11309431848",
"session_pnl": "0",
"update_timestamp_ms": 1663927145933,
"open_pos_cost": "-3800"
"id": -1
Publishes position and balance realtime update for the user
Requires initial authentication using public/auth
(see public/auth
for more information).
Applies To
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
subscription | string | user.position_balance |
channel | string | user.position_balance |
data | array | See below |
is an array consisting of:
Name | Type | Description |
instrument_name | string | Instrument name of the collateral e.g. USD , CRO , USDT , or DAI |
quantity | string | Quantity of the collateral |
update_timestamp_ms | number | Update time (Unix timestamp) |
is an array consisting of:
Name | Type | Description |
account_id | string | Account ID |
quantity | string | Position quantity |
cost | string | Position cost or value in USD |
open_position_pnl | string | Profit and loss for the open position |
open_pos_cost | string | Open pos cost |
session_pnl | string | Profit and loss in the current trading session |
update_timestamp_ms | number | Update time (Unix timestamp) |
instrument_name | string | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
type | string | e.g. PERPETUAL_SWAP |
Request Sample - Subscription (SNAPSHOT by default)
"id": 1,
"method": "subscribe",
"params": {
"channels": ["book.BTCUSD-PERP.10"]
Response Sample - Subscription (SNAPSHOT)
// Snapshot
"id": -1,
"method": "subscribe",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP",
"subscription": "book.BTCUSD-PERP.10",
"channel": "book",
"depth": 10,
"data": [
"asks": [
["30082.5", "0.1689", "1"],
["30083.0", "0.1288", "1"],
["30084.5", "0.0171", "1"],
["30085.0", "0.0369", "2"],
["30086.5", "0.2664", "1"],
["30087.0", "0.8000", "1"],
["30089.0", "0.1828", "1"],
["30089.5", "0.1828", "1"],
["30090.0", "0.1995", "1"],
["30091.0", "0.1986", "2"]
"bids": [
["30079.0", "0.0505", "1"],
["30077.5", "1.0527", "2"],
["30076.0", "0.1689", "1"],
["30075.5", "0.0171", "1"],
["30075.0", "0.1288", "1"],
["30074.5", "0.0033", "1"],
["30073.5", "0.1675", "1"],
["30072.5", "0.3424", "1"],
["30072.0", "0.2161", "2"],
["30071.5", "0.1829", "1"]
"t": 1654780033786,
"tt": 1654780033755,
"u": 542048017824
Request Sample - Subscription (SNAPSHOT_AND_UPDATE)
"id": 1,
"method": "subscribe",
"params": {
"channels": ["book.BTCUSD-PERP.10"],
"book_subscription_type": "SNAPSHOT_AND_UPDATE",
"book_update_frequency": 10
Response Sample - Subscription (SNAPSHOT_AND_UPDATE)
// Snapshot
"id": -1,
"method": "subscribe",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP",
"subscription": "book.BTCUSD-PERP.10",
"channel": "book",
"depth": 10,
"data": [{
"asks": [
["50126.000000", "0.400000", "2"],
["50130.000000", "1.279000", "3"],
["50136.000000", "1.279000", "5"],
["50137.000000", "0.800000", "7"],
["50142.000000", "1.279000", "1"],
["50148.000000", "2.892900", "9"],
["50154.000000", "1.279000", "5"],
["50160.000000", "1.133000", "2"],
["50166.000000", "3.090700", "1"],
["50172.000000", "1.279000", "1"]
"bids": [
["50113.500000", "0.400000", "3"],
["50113.000000", "0.051800", "1"],
["50112.000000", "1.455300", "1"],
["50106.000000", "1.174800", "2"],
["50100.500000", "0.800000", "4"],
["50100.000000", "1.455300", "5"],
["50097.500000", "0.048000", "8"],
["50097.000000", "0.148000", "9"],
["50096.500000", "0.399200", "2"],
["50095.000000", "0.399200", "3"]
"tt": 1647917462799,
"t": 1647917463000,
"u": 7845460001
// Update
"id": -1,
"method": "subscribe",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP",
"subscription": "book.BTCUSD-PERP.10",
"channel": "book.update",
"depth": 10,
"data": [{
"update": {
["50126.000000", "0", "0"],
["50180.000000", "3.279000", "10"]],
"bids":[["50097.000000", "0.252000", "1"]]
"tt": 1647917463003,
"t": 1647917463003,
"u": 7845460002,
"pu": 7845460001
Orderbook / L2 streaming at millisecond frequency.
Applies To
Channel Parameters
Name | Description |
instrument_name | Must be formal symbol. e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
depth | Maximum number of depth levels. Allowed values: - 50 - 10 |
Two types of book subscription are supported:
- Delta - After initial full snapshot, delta changes from the previous update are published
- Snapshot - the full book depth is published for every update
Customers should prefer to use the higher performing delta subscription where possible, with benefits of reduced bandwidth/processing compared to the snapshot subscription.
Optional parameters are used for specify the subscription type:
Name | Description |
book_subscription_type | The subscription type. Allowed values: - SNAPSHOT_AND_UPDATE delta updates.- SNAPSHOT full snapshot (default if not specified). |
book_update_frequency | Book update interval in ms. Allowed values: - 100 or 10 (default) for delta subscription.- 500 (default) for snapshot subscription. |
Response Fields
Name | Type | Description |
instrument_name | string | Same as requested instrument_name |
subscription | string | Same as requested channel |
channel | string | book or book.update , see below |
depth | string | Same as requested depth |
data | array | See below |
For book
snapshot broadcasts, data
consists of:
Name | Type | Description |
bids | array | Array of level |
asks | array | Array of level |
tt | integer | Epoch millis of last book update |
t | integer | Epoch millis of message publish |
u | integer | Update sequence, See below |
For book.update
delta broadcasts, data
consists of:
Name | Type | Description |
update | object | bids and asks |
tt | integer | Epoch millis of last book update |
t | integer | Epoch millis of message publish |
u | integer | Update sequence, See below |
pu | integer | Previous update sequence, See below |
is an array:
Index | Type | Description |
0 | string | Price of the level |
1 | string | Total size of the level |
2 | string | Number of standing orders in the level |
Upon successful subscription, a book
snapshot will be sent.
Subsequently behaviour is then dependent on subscription type.
For snapshot subscriptions:
- A
snapshot will be published at the requested interval if the book depth has changed. - The book is always published every 500ms even if no change.
For delta subscriptions:
- A
delta update will be published at the requested interval if the book depth has changed. - Each full snapshot/delta update has an (increasing)
field that is unique per instrument- An update should only be processed if the
field corresponds to theu
of the last received update. - If there is mismatch, the update should not be applied. Instead, re-subscribe to acquire a new full snapshot.
- To re-subscribe, issue another
request for the instrument. Note there is no need to issue anunsubscribe
request before this.
- An update should only be processed if the
- In the case of no changes, an empty delta
heartbeat will be sent after 5 seconds- The levels will be empty (
"asks": [], "bids": []
) - The
fields must be processed as above. The book may have updated outside of the requested depth, sou
may have changed.
- The levels will be empty (
- Additionally an empty delta may also be sent for update sequence housekeeping purposes. Again the
must be processed as above.
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "subscribe",
"params": {
"channels": ["ticker.BTCUSD-PERP"]
"nonce": 1587523073344
Response Sample
"id": -1,
"method": "subscribe",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP",
"subscription": "ticker.BTCUSD-PERP",
"channel": "ticker",
"data": [{
"h": "51790.00", // Price of the 24h highest trade
"l": "47895.50", // Price of the 24h lowest trade, null if there weren't any trades
"a": "51174.500000", // The price of the latest trade, null if there weren't any trades
"c": "0.03955106", // 24-hour price change, null if there weren't any trades
"b": "51170.000000", // The current best bid price, null if there aren't any bids
"bs": "0.1000", // The current best bid size, null if there aren't any bids
"k": "51180.000000", // The current best ask price, null if there aren't any asks
"ks": "0.2000", // The current best ask size, null if there aren't any bids
"i": "BTCUSD-PERP", // Instrument name
"v": "879.5024", // The total 24h traded volume
"vv": "26370000.12", // The total 24h traded volume value (in USD)
"oi": "12345.12", // Open interest
"t": 1613580710768
Publishes new tickers for an instrument (e.g. BTCUSD-PERP).
Applies To
Channel Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Description |
instrument_name | string | Y | Must be formal symbol. e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
instrument_name | string | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
subscription | string | ticker.{instrument_name} |
channel | string | Always ticker |
data | array | See below |
makes it easy to map to the initial subscription
and instrument_name
simply allow easier access to parameters without needing to parse the subscription
consists of:
Name | Type | Description |
h | string | Price of the 24h highest trade |
l | string | Price of the 24h lowest trade, null if there weren't any trades |
a | string | The price of the latest trade, null if there weren't any trades |
c | string | 24-hour price change, null if there weren't any trades |
b | string | The current best bid price, null if there aren't any bids |
bs | string | The current best bid size, null if there aren't any bids |
k | string | The current best ask price, null if there aren't any asks |
ks | string | The current best ask size, null if there aren't any bids |
i | string | Instrument name |
v | string | The total 24h traded volume |
vv | string | The total 24h traded volume value (in USD) |
oi | string | The open interest |
t | number | Trade timestamp |
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "subscribe",
"params": {
"channels": ["trade.BTCUSD-PERP"]
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "subscribe",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP",
"subscription": "trade.BTCUSD-PERP",
"channel": "trade",
"data": [{
"d" : "2030407068", // Trade ID
"t": 1613581138462, // Trade time
"p": "51327.500000", // Price
"q": "0.000100", // Quantity
"s": "SELL", // Side
"i": "BTCUSD-PERP" // Instrument name
Publishes new trades for an instrument (e.g. BTCUSD-PERP).
It always returns a snapshot of the last 50 trades after the initial subscription.
Applies To
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
instrument_name | string | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
subscription | string | trade.{instrument_name} |
channel | string | Always trade |
data | array | See below |
makes it easy to map to the initial subscription
and instrument_name
simply allow easier access to parameters without needing to parse the subscription
consists of:
Name | Type | Description |
d | string of number | Trade ID |
t | number | Trade timestamp |
p | string | Trade price |
q | string | Trade quantity |
s | string | Side (BUY or SELL ). Side is the side of the taker order |
i | string | Instrument name |
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "subscribe",
"params": {
"channels": ["candlestick.D1.BTCUSD-PERP"]
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "subscribe",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP",
"subscription": "candlestick.1D.BTCUSD-PERP",
"channel": "candlestick",
"interval": "1D",
"data": [{
"o": "51140.500000", // Open price
"h": "51699.000000", // High price
"l": "49212.000000", // Low price
"c": "51313.500000", // Close price
"v": "867.9432", // Volume
"t": 1612224000000 // Start time
Publishes candlesticks (k-line data history) over a given period for an instrument (e.g. BTCUSD-PERP).
can be:
: one minute. (Legacy format:M1
: five minutes. (Legacy format:M5
: 15 minutes. (Legacy format:M15
: 30 minutes. (Legacy format:M30
: one hour. (Legacy format:H1
: two hours. (Legacy format:H2
: 4 hours. (Legacy format:H4
: 12 hours. (Legacy format:H12
: one day. (Legacy format:D1
: 1 week starting at 00:00 UTC each Monday14D
: 2 week intervals starting at Monday, Oct-28-2019, 00:00 UTC1M
: 1 month starting at first day of each calendar month, 00:00 UTC
Legacy format is still supported until further notice.
Applies To
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
instrument_name | string | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
subscription | string | candlestick.{time_frame}.{instrument_name} |
channel | string | Always candlestick |
interval | string | The period (e.g. M5) |
data | array | See below |
makes it easy to map to the initial subscription
and instrument_name
simply allow easier access to parameters without needing to parse the subscription
consists of:
Name | Type | Description |
o | number | Open |
h | number | High |
l | number | Low |
c | number | Close |
v | number | Volume |
t | long | Start time of candlestick (Unix timestamp) |
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "subscribe",
"params": {
"channels": ["index.BTCUSD-INDEX"]
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "subscribe",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-INDEX",
"subscription": "index.BTCUSD-INDEX",
"channel": "index",
"data": [{
"v": "51204.52000",
"t": 1613582703000
Applies To
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
instrument_name | string | e.g. BTCUSD-INDEX |
subscription | string | index.{instrument_name} |
channel | string | Always index |
data | array | See below |
makes it easy to map to the initial subscription
and instrument_name
simply allow easier access to parameters without needing to parse the subscription
consists of:
Name | Type | Description |
t | number | Updated time (Unix timestamp) |
v | string | Value of the Index Price |
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "subscribe",
"params": {
"channels": ["mark.BTCUSD-PERP"]
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "subscribe",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP",
"subscription": "mark.BTCUSD-PERP",
"channel": "mark",
"data": [{
"v": "51279.77000",
"t": 1613582832000
Note: Mark price will update approximately every 50 ms
Applies To
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
instrument_name | string | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
subscription | string | mark.{instrument_name} |
channel | string | Always mark |
data | array | See below |
makes it easy to map to the initial subscription
and instrument_name
simply allow easier access to parameters without needing to parse the subscription
consists of:
Name | Type | Description |
t | number | Updated time (Unix timestamp) |
v | string | Value of the Mark Price |
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "subscribe",
"params": {
"channels": ["settlement.BTCUSD-210528"]
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "subscribe",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-210528",
"subscription": "settlement.BTCUSD-210528",
"channel": "settlement",
"data": [{
"v": "35279.77000",
"t": 1613582832000
Publishes settlement prices for either a single instrument (e.g. BTCUSD-210528") or all instruments.
Applies To
Channel Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Description |
instrument_name | string | N | Optional, if not set this is a wildcard subscription for all instruments |
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
instrument_name | string | e.g. BTCUSD-210528 |
subscription | string | settlement.{instrument_name} |
channel | string | Always settlement |
data | array | See below |
makes it easy to map to the initial subscription
and instrument_name
simply allow easier access to parameters without needing to parse the subscription
consists of:
Name | Type | Description |
t | number | Updated time (Unix timestamp) |
v | string | Value of the Settlement Price |
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "subscribe",
"params": {
"channels": ["funding.BTCUSD-PERP"]
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "subscribe",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP",
"subscription": "funding.BTCUSD-PERP",
"channel": "funding",
"data": [{
"v": "0.00144",
"t": 1613582880000
Applies To
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
instrument_name | string | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
subscription | string | funding.{instrument_name} |
channel | string | funding - Refers to hourly rate that will settle at the end of the current hour |
data | array | See below |
makes it easy to map to the initial subscription
and instrument_name
simply allow easier access to parameters without needing to parse the subscription
consists of:
Name | Type | Description |
t | number | Updated time (Unix timestamp) |
v | string | Value of the Funding Rate |
- It is effective from jul 31 2023. pls refer to breaking change schedule for details
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "subscribe",
"params": {
"channels": ["estimatedfunding.BTCUSD-PERP"]
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "subscribe",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"instrument_name": "BTCUSD-PERP",
"subscription": "estimated.BTCUSD-PERP",
"channel": "estimatedfunding",
"data": [{
"v": "0.00144",
"t": 1613582880000
Applies To
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
instrument_name | string | e.g. BTCUSD-PERP |
subscription | string | estimatedfunding.{instrument_name} |
channel | string | estimatedfunding - Refers to estimated hourly rate that will be effective at the end of each hour in the next interval. Funding intervals are 00:00 - 04:00, 04:00 - 08:00, 08:00 - 12:00, 12:00 - 16:00, 16:00 - 20:00, 20:00 - 00:00 UTC |
data | array | See below |
makes it easy to map to the initial subscription
and instrument_name
simply allow easier access to parameters without needing to parse the subscription
consists of:
Name | Type | Description |
t | number | Updated time (Unix timestamp) |
v | string | Value of the Estimated Funding Rate |
Request Sample #0: Auth with the master account
"id": 1,
"method": "public/auth",
"api_key": "master_api_key",
"sig": "d0267b151db609885bad2e4f8ad07610f7913e166c35adaf5697d59a64e3755a",
"nonce": :1587846358253
Request Sample #1: Auth with the master account (same effect as sample #0)
"id": 1,
"method": "public/auth",
"api_key": "master_api_key",
"sig": "d0267b151db609885bad2e4f8ad07610f7913e166c35adaf5697d59a64e3755a",
"nonce": :1587846358253,
"params": {
"system_label": "ONEEX"
Request Sample #2: Auth with former spot account (same effect as sample #0)
"id": 1,
"method": "public/auth",
"api_key": "master_api_key",
"sig": "d0267b151db609885bad2e4f8ad07610f7913e166c35adaf5697d59a64e3755a",
"nonce": :1587846358253,
"params": {
"system_label": "FORMER_SPOT"
Request Sample #3: Auth with former master margin account
"id": 1,
"method": "public/auth",
"api_key": "master_api_key",
"sig": "d0267b151db609885bad2e4f8ad07610f7913e166c35adaf5697d59a64e3755a",
"nonce": :1587846358253,
"params": {
"system_label": "FORMER_MARGIN"
Request Sample #4: Auth with former master derivative account
"id": 1,
"method": "public/auth",
"api_key": "master_api_key",
"sig": "d0267b151db609885bad2e4f8ad07610f7913e166c35adaf5697d59a64e3755a",
"nonce": :1587846358253,
"params": {
"system_label": "FORMER_DERIVATIVES"
Request Sample #5: Auth with default sub-account
"id": 1,
"method": "public/auth",
"api_key": "subaccount_api_key",
"sig": "d0267b151db609885bad2e4f8ad07610f7913e166c35adaf5697d59a64e3755a",
"nonce": :1587846358253
Request Sample #6: Auth with former spot sub-account
"id": 1,
"method": "public/auth",
"api_key": "subaccount_api_key",
"sig": "d0267b151db609885bad2e4f8ad07610f7913e166c35adaf5697d59a64e3755a",
"nonce": :1587846358253,
"params": {
"system_label": "FORMER_SPOT"
Request Sample #7: Auth with former margin sub-account
"id": 1,
"method": "public/auth",
"api_key": "subaccount_api_key",
"sig": "d0267b151db609885bad2e4f8ad07610f7913e166c35adaf5697d59a64e3755a",
"nonce": :1587846358253,
"params": {
"system_label": "FORMER_MARGIN"
Request Sample #8: Auth with former derivative sub-account
"id": 1,
"method": "public/auth",
"api_key": "subaccount_api_key",
"sig": "d0267b151db609885bad2e4f8ad07610f7913e166c35adaf5697d59a64e3755a",
"nonce": :1587846358253,
"params": {
"system_label": "FORMER_DERIVATIVES"
Response Sample
"id": 1,
To access user-specific websocket methods, public/auth
has to be invoked with a valid API key and Digital Signature (refer to the Digital Signature section).
REST API calls do NOT need to do this.
We recommend adding a 1-second sleep after establishing the websocket connection, and before requests are sent.
This will avoid occurrences of rate-limit (`TOO_MANY_REQUESTS`) errors, as the websocket rate limits are pro-rated based on the calendar-second that the websocket connection was opened.
Request Params
Name | Type | Description |
api_key | string | API key |
sig | string | Digital Signature (see Digital Signature section) |
system_label | string | see Unified Wallet and System Label section |
Applies To:
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/set-cancel-on-disconnect",
"params": {
"scope": "CONNECTION"
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/set-cancel-on-disconnect",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"scope": "CONNECTION"
Cancel on Disconnect is an optional feature that will cancel all open orders created by the connection upon loss of connectivity between client or server.
This feature is only available via the Websocket.
Request Params
Name | Type | Required | Description |
scope | string | Y | Specifies the scope of cancellation to be applied to the specific connection (all orders created via Websocket). The ONLY scope supported is CONNECTION |
Helpful Information
- Once enabled, the scope of cancellation cannot be changed or disabled for the connection.
- Unsubscribing from any user channels will be considered as a loss of connectivity and will trigger cancelling orders.
Applies To
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
scope | string | Specifies the scope of cancellation to be applied to the specific connection (all orders created via Websocket). The ONLY scope supported is CONNECTION |
Request Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/get-cancel-on-disconnect"
Response Sample
"id": 1,
"method": "private/get-cancel-on-disconnect",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"scope": "CONNECTION"
Returns the scope of cancellation.
Request Params
Applies To
Response Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
scope | string | Specifies the scope of cancellation to be applied to the specific connection (all orders created via Websocket). The ONLY scope supported is CONNECTION |
Common Issues
TOO_MANY_REQUESTS After Websocket Connects
Websocket rate limits are pro-rated based on the calendar-second that the websocket connection was opened.
This means, depending on the fraction of the calendar-second that the connection was established, the rate limit could be pro-rated to a small number.
By adding a 1-second sleep after establishing the websocket connection, and before requests are sent, this will ensure the rate limit is properly reset and sync'd to your session.
This will avoid occurrences of rate-limit (TOO_MANY_REQUESTS
) errors.
The nonce should be the UTC Unix timestamp in milliseconds.
If this has been carefully checked, then the issue occurs when the system clock of the client machine is greater than 60 seconds in the future / past.
Usually, re-syncing with the NTP time server on the client machine will correct the issue.
If the issue persists, you can try deliberately subtracting N seconds from the nonce to force it to be N seconds in the past, which is still within the 60-second past tolerance.