crypto basket hero image

Crypto Basket

The fastest way to diversify your portfolio with multiple thematic tokens.

Choose from more than 15 thematic baskets

Get into your favourite coins, one basket at a time.


Crypto made accessible

Simple and elegant user experience makes it easy to buy into the most popular crypto projects — all in just one tap.

Instant diversification

Buy multiple tokens in your preferred Crypto Basket to diversify your portfolio easily.


Set and execute buy-low-sell-high strategies automatically and maintain your portfolio allocation.
Crypto Basket

How does it work?

1.Tap Crypto Basket from the main menu
2.Select your preferred basket in the Discover tab
phone frame cut in half, the top half
3.Enter your purchase amount
4.Turn on auto-rebalance (or not) and pay with your preferred method
phone frame cut in half, the bottom half

More about Crypto Basket

What Are Crypto Baskets and How Do They Work?

Crypto Baskets in the App allow traders to diversify their portfolio with just a few clicks. Here’s how to set up a Crypto Basket.
What Are Crypto Baskets and How Do They Work?
What Are Crypto Baskets and How Do They Work?

What Are Crypto Baskets and How Do They Work?