Supports the Ribbon Finance (RBN) Token Conversion

RBN tokens will be reissued as AEVO in a 1:1 ratio

Rbn Token Conversion Content Hub is supporting the Ribbon Finance (RBN) token conversion to Aevo (AEVO). As a result, RBN will be delisted from the App and Exchange: App

Delisting Time: 24 July 2024, 01:00 UTC 

  • RBN trades, deposits, and withdrawals will be permanently disabled
  • RBN Target Price orders will be automatically terminated Exchange

Delisting Time: 24 July 2024, 02:00 UTC

  • RBN trades, deposits, and withdrawals will be permanently disabled
  • All open RBN Spot trading orders will be closed
  • Active RBN trading bots will be automatically terminated 

Existing RBN tokens will be converted to AEVO tokens at a later date. This will be done in a 1:1 (RBN to AEVO) ratio according to the RBN balances in eligible users’ Crypto Wallet in the App and Spot Wallet in the Exchange. 

You may incur a fee for retrieving RBN deposits made after 24 July. Furthermore, fund retrieval may not be possible in some cases. 

A separate announcement will be made when the conversion is complete. 

Visit for all the latest updates. 

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