POTATOES ARE HUMANS TOO's average price is N/A USD (7D) with a sales volume of 10 USD (7D). POTATOES ARE HUMANS TOO is 0.00% for the last 7 days. The latest floor price of POTATOES ARE HUMANS TOO is 2.00 USD with a total volume of N/A.
This PFP collection is Edwin's finest work, and all critics agree. Using mediums as diverse as stock photography, clip art, public domain images, hand drawings, and the little scissor icon tool, he has depicted fictional scenes of potatoes who, though not human, certainly appear to be.
Like the potato, it is important for humans to use their eyes more than their mouth.
Like the potato, humans too can die of tuber-culosis.
Like the potato, humans can live, if only the yambulance comes in time with a resusci-tater.
The utility of these 1-of-1 generative art-FTs is clear: they're works with artistry on a level unseen by human eyes ever in the history of humanity or before, for not even the mighty brontosaurus could express the dinosaur-anity with such authenticity, resolve, and cromulence. Edwin hopes his work inspires the beginning of world peace, the end of world hunger, and unity between humans and vegetables.